Thursday, February 28, 2013

My birthday

This year my birthday (yesterday) was very different than my birthday last year!  We all had been sick, and it was the one day of school Caleb missed last year!  As I remembered last year and that blog post, I also was reminded how now I have been keeping my list of "One thousand gifts" for 2 years now!  I am on my second book and up to 3150 gifts as of 2-26-13. 

This year on my birthday my boys came to wish  me a happy birthday when I was still in bed.  Caleb led me to the kitchen, making sure my eyes were closed.  There was a birthday balloon attached to my chair and a donut for breakfast. I thought I might try to take a nap after Caleb went to school, but I couldn't go back to sleep! 

I met my husband for lunch at Schlotzsky's.  We did a couple errands too and when I got in my truck I saw this in the floorboard.  Do you know what it is?

 He moved it for me, and I asked what it was so he gave me the tag.  I was so excited!  I hope I can grow this and not kill it.  Maybe I can!

We went to meet my Mom for supper at a yummy Mexican food restaurant.  I had chicken enchiladas that were delicious.  She made chocolate cake for me as well.  For my gift she gave me this frame. 
photo from
I had wanted a special frame to put the last picture I took with Meemaw before she passed away.  I had looked for one that said Meemaw but mostly they said Grandmother or Grandma.  I had mentioned this when I had the picture printed and forgotten about it.  It was sweet that she remembered and found this frame.  It is so fitting with the little angel because there was a song I sang to Meemaw when I was little about angels.  And Meemaw had given me Precious Moments gifts in the past. 

It was such a wonderful day, and I feel so blessed.  I enjoyed reading all the birthday messages I got via Facebook as well as the blog and email and texts and calls and many cards in the mail. 

The birthday fun continued today!  I had an invitation to have lunch with the 2nd grade teachers at the school where I volunteer.  I had a chicken salad sandwich and they got me a cake also.  It was very sweet and I was touched by their kindness. 

Have a day of blessings!

End of February Thankful Thursday!

Here we are at the last day of February already.  Can you believe it? 

I had such a wonderful birthday yesterday and feel very blessed.  I think I will do a separate post about it. 

We are joining over at Grace Alone today for Thankful Thursday.  Today I am thankful for....

~ my husband taking part of the day off to spend with me on my birthday!  He surprised me several times through the day. 

~ my boy and his many sweet hugs he has been giving me lately.

~ getting to see my Mom on my birthday and have supper together and cake.  And the sweet gift she gave me (I'll share in my separate birthday post!).

~ two people who were born on this day, February 28, different years.  Those two married and were my husband's grandparents.  I unfortunately never knew his grandmother, she passed away in 1991 before I met my husband. I am thankful that these two met and married and because of that I have the family I have today!

~ going to a kids clothing consignment sale and finding some good deals for my boy and nieces. 

Have a day of blessings!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday (birthday!) Hodgepodge

1. When were you last facing an ocean? Using just ONE word, describe how you felt as you faced that ocean. It was several years ago.  I think my boy was 2.  I felt amazed! 

2. What are three sounds you hate to hear?
a. Styrofoam being scraped by something, like trying to get a cup out of a holder or squeeze a container in the fridge in a tight spot 
b. fingernails on a chalkboard 
c. parents yelling at their children

3. This question comes to you courtesy of some real life friends. Hi real life friends! When you shop for yourself, do you try everything on in the store before buying or do you buy, try on at home, and then return what you don't like or what doesn't fit?  It depends what it is.  Dresses I try on in the store.  Pants I most always will try on in the store unless I have another pair exactly like them.  Shirts it depends.  Sometimes I just hold it up and other times I will try it on, especially if it is a button up. 

4. February 26th is National Pistachio Day...are you a fan of the little green nut? Do you use them in cooking and baking or prefer to eat them right out of the shell?  I don't know that I've ever eaten a pistachio out of the shell..  All I know is I have eaten pistachio pudding.

5. When did you last have to compromise with someone? Were you happy to reach the compromise or slightly irritated it was necessary?  I can't think of one off the top of my head! 

6. Have you ever written a letter to an elected official? Did you get a response?  I know I wrote to the President when I was a little girl.  I do not know what the issue was or why I wrote him.  I did get back a form letter.  I have not written one lately though.

7. We 'March' into a new month at the end of this week...what's something on your March calendar guaranteed to make you smile?  We have several celebrating birthdays in cousin, husband, and Mom.  Also it is spring break in a couple of weeks!!

8. Insert your own random thought here.
Today is my birthday!  I have had a wonderful morning already!  My husband surprised me with donuts and a birthday balloon tied to my chair at the table and the new Chris Tomlin CD "Burning Lights" and very sweet cards when I got up.  My sweet boy gave me a flower picture he colored with a sweet note.   So many blessings already today! I am thankful! 

Have a day of blessings!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

New reviews of children's books!

I have new reviews posting all the time on my book review blog for children's books.  This week I have some ebooks I reviewed.  Two are about Queen Emily's Enchanted Kingdom and one is called A Million Doughnuts

I have been trying to post reviews of books that are relevant for the current season or holidays.  Let me know what you would like to see there.  I recently added some board book reviews after a Mom mentioned that was the stage they are in now. 

Thanks for checking it out

Have a day of blessings!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thankful Thursday

This week we are meeting for Thankful Thursday at Grace Alone.

I am thankful for...
~ my husband and the nice time we had together this weekend.  We haven't had a weekend of "just us" in a while.  I love that he is my best friend and am so thankful for his friendship and how he loves me so much, even when I mess up!

~ my sweet boy who is now a TWO million word reader.  He was grinning when he got in the car yesterday and told me to guess what happened.  They announced it at lunch. (They take tests on the computer through Accelerated Reader program and that program counts the number of words per book.)

~ my new scarf my Mom made for me.  I got the yarn on sale last week and she had it made very fast!

~ the smell of banana bread cooking.

~ wonderful rain that we need so much here.

Have a day of blessings!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. When were you last 'on a mountaintop'? You may answer in the literal or figurative sense.We went on a family vacation to Colorado in the summer of 2011. I enjoyed seeing the beauty of the mountains on that trip. We drove up some. Here is a picture I found looking down into the Royal Gorge that I took while we were in Colorado.

2. Do you establish and maintain a strict budget in your household? What is one piece of financial advice you would offer someone just starting out on their own? My husband and I went through Financial Peace University several years ago.  We started using cash and envelopes for every day purchases.  I was amazed how it seemed we had more money when I actually budgeted a certain amount for each area using cash.  The idea is when the cash is gone you are done spending in that area until the next pay day.  So the cash part is budgeted out each month and divided into envelopes.  

One piece of financial advice I would give is to not use credit cards.  I could write a long post about this.  We used to have one for purchases that we'd pay off each month.  We don't even do that now. 

3. Cherries-yay or nay? Cherry pie, cherry cola, black forest cake, or a scoop of
Ben and Jerry's Cherries Garcia...pick one.  I like cherries on cheesecake but not to just eat by themselves.  I'd choose cherry pie of those choices.

4. Should you ever discuss religion or politics with people you don't know?  I'd say no. Hard question though and depends on the situation.  I don't normally talk to people I don't know much. 

5. When you take a road trip do you prefer to be the driver or the passenger? Where were you headed on your last road trip?
Passenger;  It was a short trip but we went on Sunday to pick up our boy from his visit with Gramma.   
6. If we peeked inside your closet, what color would we say is most prevalent?   Probably purple.

7. Who's your favorite senior citizen and why are they special? 
This question makes me smile and a couple came to mind.  One is a man from our church, Mr. Ben.  He will be 89 this year I believe.  He has so many stories and always carries pictures in his pocket to show.  Many of them are of his wife from their early dating days.  I have enjoyed hearing his stories.  Another is Ms. Eleanore.  She is the mother of a couple of my blogging friends.  I have never met her in real life but feel like I know her from writing to her the past couple of years. 

And let me add a little plug here if seniors are special to your heart:  I am part of a group that sends cheer mail to seniors.  The commitment is to send one card per week to a senior on our list.  This may not sound like much, but let me tell you it is amazing the difference it makes!  My Meemaw was on our mailing list for the past few years.  She always talked about the mail she received from the group, and it really cheered and brightened her days.  Seniors are often so lonely and receive little company and many cannot get out.  If you are interested, let me know and I'll send you the link with  more information. :) 

8. Insert your own random thought here.
We were supposed to go on a 3rd grade field trip today but it got cancelled because of the weather.  It is cold and supposed to storm.  They are hoping to reschedule for later in the spring.  I hope they can!  My boy was disappointed to not get to go!

Have a day of blessings!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Valentine mailboxes

This is our second year to do our Valentine mailboxes.  I started typing this post last week and didn't get it finished but wanted to share about our Valentine fun.  I wrote about the mailboxes last year.  We have had fun doing this again, and Caleb looked forward to beginning on February 1.

We kept the same boxes we made last year.  Caleb wanted to add some stuff to the outside of his.

When the flag is up you know you have mail.  Sometimes Caleb would sneak something in and announce "You've got mail."  We told him that was a phrase in the early days of email and he liked to say it.

We all three left surprises for each other in the mailboxes.  Caleb would write us coupons for things he would do for us.  One of mine was for me to borrow his new "lightwedge" that he uses to read in the dark.  I thought it was so sweet because he had just gotten it and he offered to let me borrow it.  He did make me laugh when he added a stipulation when I read it that it was at home, not in the car!  haha  Another one he gave me was doing a laundry load of whites.

My husband had some creative ones too.  He got us some candy and other days gave us coupons.  One of mine was for dessert of my choosing.  I used that one Saturday night for some chocolate cake at Cracker Barrel.  Yummy!  Another was for a foot massage. 

I used several ideas from Pinterest that I found for my ideas.  (Some were kind of corny but fun!!) Like I gave my husband a banana with a note that said "I'm bananas for you" and a bar of soap with a note that said "I was 'soapin' you'd be my valentine."  I found these crayons at Walmart and gave them to Caleb one day.  Also the 12th was his "half" birthday so I made him angel food cake for that day with a "happy 1/2 birthday" note in his mailbox. 

My husband surprised me with this Precious Moments figurine.  It is called "Our Love Is One of a Kind."  I collect Precious Moments, and it has been a long time since he gave me one so it was a fun, sweet surprise! 
(Image from Precious Moments website)

Have a day of blessings!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Moon Over Edisto

Book Description:
The past has come knocking on Julia's door. Can she summon the courage to answer betrayal with love?

Julia’s best friend, Marney, broke up her parents' marriage years ago. Now Marney shows up at her Manhattan apartment, asking the impossible—come home to Edisto Island to care for the half-sisters and half-brother she has never known. Marney, recently widowed, has lung cancer. There's no other family to care for the children while she’s in the hospital following surgery.

Julia loathes Marney. But if she doesn’t step in, her own mother—who has never gotten over the divorce—will be called upon to take care of the children. So she heads to South Carolina to keep the peace.

On Edisto, she begins to reconnect with the place and the people and she’s been running from her whole adult life. There’s the local doctor who once stole a kiss from her on that very beach, and the siblings she’s never known—especially the sister with selective mutism named Etta who’s the keeper of nearly every family secret . . . including the very one that just might bind-up Julia’s long-since shattered heart.

My thoughts:
This was a super-fast read for me!  I didn't want to stop reading.  Julia has her own life in Manhattan, a life that she has planned out, far from the pain and heartache of her childhood home.  When Marney shows up asking her to come care for her children following her surgery, it seems unthinkable for Julia to agree.  I just can't imagine the emotions this would cause to go through this.  I appreciated the way  Julia handled the situation.  She learned so much about herself and others in her family as she dealt with her past. I did keep wondering as I read when we would see Julia grow spiritually.  There were several times I thought that was coming but it was not present in the book. 

This book was so enjoyable to read, and I recommend it to you if you are looking for a quick, easy read with a touching story.  

 I don't remember ever reading anything by this author, but I will look for more of her books in the future.  One more thing: Isn't the cover pretty?

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Have a day of blessings!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Thankful Thursday

It is time for Thankful Thursday, a Valentine's Thankful Thursday!  We are meeting at Grace Alone this month.

This week I am thankful for...
~ having a husband who loves me and continuously shows me his love each day, not just on Valentine's Day.

~ my boy being well and healthy! 

~ getting the DVD of Meemaw's life just about finished.  I need to watch through it all again before I burn the CDs.  I have enjoyed making this and seeing the beauty of Meemaw's life, remembering memories of her and funny things she said.

~ the good books I've read lately and being able to receive so many good ones to review.  I have finished a couple the past week (as you can see from several book reviews posted here).  There are always so many I want to read it seems! 

~ participating in the Wednesday Hodgepodge the past couple of months.  I enjoy the questions each week and visiting a few of the other blogs to read the answers of others.  It has been nice to visit some new blogs. 

Have a day of blessings!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I Still Believe (audio book)

About the book:Christian recording artist Jeremy Camp has written songs that have touched millions of lives. His lyrics reveal a heart that’s been broken and a faith that has been tested and restored.

In I Still Believe, Jeremy shares, with unflinching candor and emotion, the extraordinary story behind his award-winning lyrics–from his impoverished childhood, rebellious teenage years, and spiritual awakening at Bible College, to the tragic loss of his first wife, Melissa, to cancer and the heart-wrenching spiritual journey that followed–a journey that reignited Jeremy’s faith, inspired some of his most beloved songs, and paved the way for a second chance at love with his second wife, Adrienne.

This memoir is a must-read for Jeremy Camp fans everywhere, and an inspiring, encouraging read for anyone who has ever experienced loss.

My thoughts:
This is a very thoughtful book.  I have heard Jeremy Camp's songs, but I had no idea of his story.  I touched by his example and faith.  I also enjoyed learning the meaning behind some of his most popular songs.  When you hear a song on the radio, you can often relate because of what you are going through in life.  It gives new meaning to me as a listener to find out why the artist wrote the song in the first place.  I felt he was honest about his life, the struggles he has experienced, and how everything has not been easy for him in his career. 

The audio version is read by Adam Verner, and he did a good job.  I had no problems listening to him or staying focused on the book. 

This book is well-written, and I feel it can benefit the listener by hearing his story and his example of faith during times of loss and heart break.  I am so glad I had the opportunity to listen to it.

This audio was provided to me by christianaudio Reviewers Program for my review. 

Have a day of blessings!

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. This week marks the beginning of Lent...will you be giving something up or adding anything to your life during this season of the year? No, I never have for Lent.

2. The day before Lent is Shrove Tuesday... tradition states you eat pancakes on this day. In some parts of the world Shrove Tuesday is actually known as 'pancake day'. How do you like your pancakes? Or don't you?  I do like pancakes, but I can't eat too many because they  make me feel weird.  I like them with butter and syrup or I have enjoyed them with some whip cream and fruit or chocolate chips . 

3. I'm sure there are many, but what's one love song you really love? It's really hard to pick only  one!  But since I'm thinking of my husband (see #8 below) I will say My Valentine by Martina McBride. 

4. What are some things you do to let others know you love them? Make my husband and son their lunches and do their laundry/ironing for them.  Send cards in the mail (sometimes with a small gift card in them).  Write "thinking of you" FB messages. Make special desserts or meals.  Hugs.  Prayers.

5., pink, or do you prefer another color? Can you recall the last time someone gave you flowers? Given your choice would you like to open the door and see a dozen red roses, a dozen purple tulips, or a dozen pink peonies?  I like any color of roses.  My husband usually finds some that are mixed colors.  Speaking of roses, I miss my rose bush that was at our old house.  It was always so pretty.  My husband gave me some tulips not very long ago, I don't remember when. I'd choose a dozen purple tulips. :)

6. President's Day will be celebrated in America next Monday. Does US Presidential history and trivia interest you? Many Presidential homes are open to the public and offer guided tours...Monticello (Jefferson's home), Mount Vernon (Washington's home), Montpelier (James Madison's home), Hyde Park (FD Roosevelt's home) and The White House (home to the sitting President) to name just a few. Of those listed which would you be most interested in touring? Why? I would enjoy visiting any of these but especially Mount Vernon and The White House.  We hope to go on vacation to that area one summer.

7. Are you good at keeping secrets? Yes!  When I have a secret, I know I have to guard what I say very carefully because many times I would mention the secret by accident in normal conversation. 

8. Insert your own random thought here.

:) On this day 15 years ago (FIFTEEN! seems like such a big number!) it was a Friday, and a cute boy gave me a card he had made asking me to be his Valentine in the Bean (cafeteria) after morning chapel. We eventually married. :)

Have a day of blessings!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Firefly Island

I have read other books by Lisa Wingate (like Blue Moon Bay and Never Say Never) and was excited to receive her new book Firefly Island in the mail for my review.  I did not know much about the book but figured I would enjoy it since I've enjoyed other books by this author.

Firefly Island is the story of Mallory Hale and the drastic life changes she experiences when she falls in love with Daniel Everson.  The two marry quickly and end up in Texas in Moses Lake because of Daniel's new job.  Mallory  has so many changes to deal with as she is now married with a young step son and living in Texas, far away from her family and the life she is used to on Capitol Hill. 

She has feelings in the beginning that maybe it was all a mistake, and she doesn't understand her reasons for being in Moses Lake.  Everyone is suspicious of Daniel's grumpy boss, Jack West, and there are all sorts of rumors about him which add to Mallory's worries.  Mallory gradually develops friendships within Moses Lake and begins to feel more at home.  Then there is an accident on the ranch involving Jack.  Mallory is very suspicious and intends to find out why things are so fishy. 

As with any book I think you can learn from the characters and the situations they encounter.  I liked Mallory from the beginning and liked to see her grow and change through the pages of this book.  She learned that people have secrets and reasons for the way they are.  

There were parts of the book that were slow for me, but overall I enjoyed the story and characters.  I look forward to more from Lisa Wingate and Moses Lake

I received this book from the publisher for my honest review.

Have a day of blessings!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Encouragement for Moms!

Hearts at Home encourages moms to embrace imperfection!

You always knew you would be the perfect mom. Then you had children.

Now that you know more, it’s probably safe to say that most days haven’t turn out like you imagined.

We’ve all been there.

When life doesn’t measure up to our expectations, it’s easy to feel like we’ve failed as mothers and we begin asking, “What’s wrong with me?”

The truth is nothing is wrong with you. You are normal. Your frustrations, your disappointments and your struggles are the same frustrations, disappointments and struggles that every mom is going through.

Hearts at Home is offering two opportunities for moms to embrace and celebrate their imperfections right along with others who are doing this “mom thing,” too!

No More Perfect Moms, the newly-released book by Hearts at Home Founder and CEO, Jill Savage, will help moms rid themselves of the “Perfection Infection.” With refreshing honesty, author Jill Savage exposes some of her own parental shortcomings with the goal of helping mothers everywhere shelve their desires for perfection along with their insecurities of not measuring up to other moms.

And, if you purchase the book any time between February 3-9 (online or at a store…and yes, electronic versions such as Kindle and Nook count too!) and send a copy of your receipt to, you'll be given access to well over $100 worth of resources that will help you on your mothering journey - absolutely free! 

What will you receive? Click here for a full list of audio workshops, printables and books and all the details about how to buy the book!

Then plan to join thousands of moms, just like you, as they celebrate their imperfections on March 15-16, 2013, at the Hearts at Home 2013 National Conference, on the campus of Illinois State University in Normal, IL.

Registration is open!

Choose the two-day Friday PLUS! option for a main session and three or four workshops on Friday, plus choose three or four additional workshops on Saturday or choose to attend either Friday or Saturday. Add Moms Night Out on Friday for a great day – or two – away!

Main sessions feature keynote speakers Candace Cameron Bure – mom, producer, New York Times’ best-selling author and actress, and best known for her role as "D.J." on Full House – and Jill Savage – author and CEO and Founder of Hearts at Home.

Moms Night Out welcomes Anita Renfroe, well known for her pop culture parody of the William Tell Overture-Mom Style and special musical guest Meredith Andrews.

More than 30 workshops with titles including Seven Habits of Highly Effective Moms, Real Ways to Connect With Your Kids, Boys R Us--Raising Boys from 2 to 22, and Wise Women Raising Wiser Daughters, give you the opportunity to design the day around your own needs.

With a sell-out crowd at last year’s conference, early registration is encouraged. The Best Value Registration Deadline is February 20, 2013.

Click here for full descriptions of all speakers and workshops and to start the registration process. Group discounts are available!



Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thankful Thursday

This month we are meeting up for Thankful Thursday over at Grace Alone for any who might want to join.

Today I am thankful for...
~ being married to my best friend.  It is such a comfort to have him here and know I can depend on him. 

~ time with my boy.  We enjoy reading a book together at night before he goes to bed.  We found the  My America series and read the first one in the diary of a boy named Joshua as his family is heading to Oregon.  We just finished the second book about Joshua.  They are interesting stories and we both enjoy them.  There is one more about this particular boy so I'll have to look for it at the library.

~ beautiful spring temperatures this week.  It has been so nice out here with the sun shining.  The temperature has been in the low 70s.  Caleb asked if he could do his reading homework in his tree house after school.  Then we ended up having a pizza picnic supper in there too.  Fun times! 

~ pictures in the mail.  One of Meemaw's sisters sent me a few pictures of when she was a little girl for me to add to the DVD I'm making. 

~ the fun we've had with our Valentine mailboxes. I'll have to do a separate post about this; it's been so fun to do this together! 

Have a day of blessings!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Chinese New Year will be celebrated on February 10th, and 2013 is the year of the snake. When did you last see a snake? Are you okay around snakes or do they give you the shivers?
I do not like snakes.  The last time I saw one in person was on my back porch last June.  Our son had gone outside to scare away some birds that were making noise in the backyard.  Then all of a sudden he was running into the front door of the house, and I could not understand what he was saying.  I got "snake" out of it, and we looked at the back porch and this snake was there.  It was laying on the metal track of the sliding glass door and then started slithering down the porch steps.  It still gives me the shivers to see it. (My pictures didn't upload correctly but you get the idea of how large this snake was!) My husband went out immediately and killed it.  I was so glad because I did not want Caleb to be scared to go in the backyard so seeing it dead was important.  He had bad dreams and stuff for a long time after that.  We were going on vacation after that which turned out to be a good thing to not be at home for a while.  I was  watching every step I took for a long time too.  Apparently when he'd gone outside he'd stepped over it in the metal track and he turned around to come back in and saw it. 
Another snake story is that my Peepaw used to make things with rattlesnake skins.  I remember going to his house and how he'd have a pit of rattlesnakes.  He made hats, belt buckles, purses, etc. with them.  I have a coin purse that I use now that he made.     

2. The color red in Chinese culture usually means good luck. Do you believe in luck?

3. sledding-ice skating-building a snowman...if given a choice, which activity would you choose? Which of the three have you done most recently?
I have never been sledding and would like to try that, although I'm sure I'd squeal and be scared before I did!  The one I've done most recently is build a snowman.  That was a couple years back when we got a lot of snow. 

4. Ralph Waldo Emerson is credited as saying, "The years teach much which the days never knew." Where have you seen this quote played out in your own life?What came to mind was what I've seen as a Mom and previously as a teacher.  You don't always realize the day to day that what you are doing has an impact, but you can see it years later when you look back.
5. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
Tuesday...I saw in the grocery store ad that a dozen were on sale for $5 so I called the bakery and ordered a dozen chocolate with buttercream frosting for a little mailbox treat (see #8 below).  Caleb's school has a rule that treats brought for parties must be store bought so I guess that is why I first bought them and tasted them.  They were so good so now I get them sometimes when I see them.  

6. What's something you can't say no to?
Dessert or ice cream

7. Are you a doodler?
Yes!  I always have been when I am taking notes.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
We are counting down the days to Valentine's Day.  All three of us decorated mailboxes last year.  Caleb thought it was silly when we were doing it, but he ended up liking it and was excited to start again this year.  Each day February 1-14 we leave little surprises for each other in the mailboxes and raise the flag to show that there is mail.  I will have to do a post on some of the sweet and fun surprises we've had this year.  Caleb has been creative in coupons he's left for us.  :) 

Also, I am doing a book giveaway on my other blog.  It is for a children's book (for preschool age or so) called Bible Stories That End With a Hug! so click over to that blog if you would like to enter. 

Have a day of blessings!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Earthly Things

I shared a devotional today called "Earthly Things" over at Laced With Grace.  Join me there today! Thanks!

Have a day of blessings!

Bible Stories That End With a Hug! (and giveway)

About the book:
Little children love getting—and giving—hugs! Hugs generate warmth, affection, and a feeling of acceptance. Show your little ones just how much you treasure them while teaching them about the Bible and God’s unconditional love for his creation. Bible Stories that End with a Hug! features 75 easy-to-understand Bible stories with charming illustrations, lessons on how to apply the stories to your child’s daily life, memory verses from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, and a special “Hug Time” during which you can share a great big hug with your child.

My thoughts:
I enjoyed reading this book.  It would be nice for a family to read together at bedtime with a very young child (toddler--preschool).  There are stories from the Old and New Testament.  What I liked was that this story book had some stories that I don't normally see in children's Bible story books.  I like also that each one ends with a reason to give a hug to your child! The illustrations are sweet too, and I liked the layout with the text, pictures, and questions.  It would make a sweet little Valentine for your little one! 

I would like to have a giveaway with this book.  Go to my other blog through this Friday (February 8) and leave a comment if you would like to enter the giveaway. 

Thank you to Tyndale for this book for my honest review.

Have a day of blessings!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Unglued Devotional

Are you familiar with Lysa TerKeurst?  She is the President of Proverbs 31 Ministries.  I read her other book Made to Crave.  I had heard about her new book Unglued but have not read it.  Today I'd like to share with you the Unglued Devotional.

About the book:
God gave us emotions to experience life, not destroy it!
Lysa TerKeurst admits that she, like most women, have experiences where others bump into her happy and she comes emotionally unglued. We stuff, we explode, or react somewhere in between.
What do we do with these raw emotions? Is it really possible to make emotions work for us instead of against us?

My thoughts:
This book has 60 devotionals that are a 2-3 pages each.  They are easy to read in a short amount of time and are extremely relevant for every day life.  I like the idea the author presents that we are not going to be perfect but that we can make "imperfect progress."  I recommend this book to you.  The devotionals here made me think about my own reactions to situations in our home and in relationships.  I also enjoyed how each devotional had a "thought for the day."  I hope you will check this out and be encouraged as I was. 

Thank you to Zondervan for providing this book for my honest review.

Have a day of blessings!