Tuesday, November 24, 2009

As long as it is called Today: Christian home keepers (November)

Welcome to "As long as it is called Today" as we encourage one another. I hope you will join me each week on Tuesdays as we encourage each other in our daily lives as Christians, spouses, parents, and home keepers.

This is the link to last week's question.

Today's question: Thanksgiving is this Thursday. Share your plans. Do you prepare the meal? Do you have a traditional meal? What is your "must have" dish? Is there a special dish you prepare that everyone requests?

My answer: We go to my Mom's house and she does the cooking. She asks us for our requests. I wanted sweet potatoes with marshmallows (this is something I've just started liking), my husband asked for mashed potatoes and pecan pie, and Caleb asked for veggies and "pie" (pie is really fudge, he called it pie when he was little so we still call it that). One thing I often make at Thanksgiving is broccoli salad. I haven't gotten the ingredients, so I don't guess I'll make it this year! I really like the flavor though.

Thank you for coming by and answering the question today. Remember to say a prayer for Rachel and Cade (see Proverbs & Prayers post for other information). They are both having surgery today.
Have a day of blessings!


Karen said...

We're celebrating with my family this year. Everyone is contributing to the meal. To be honest, I don't know that I have a "favorite" dish. It's all so yummy! I love turkey, dressing and mashed potatoes! It's even better with a hot roll or homemade bread! When it comes to desserts, I really like my brother-in-laws sweet potato casserole. And yes - it is definitely like a dessert! But I like pumpkin pie too! It's all good!

Hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

sister sheri said...

Yeah! I don't have to cook this year! We don't live near family (about 3,000 miles away)... so we are blessed to have friends who have invited us over to share the Thanks!

Well, my son did ask me to bring sausage stuffing. He'd eat that any nothing else if given the choice!