Monday, October 5, 2009

Marriage Monday: Extreme Makeover

1st Monday Every Month at Chrysalis
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Extreme Makeover: How God Renewed Our Marriage Against All the Odds.

Every marriage goes through rough patches—and some are severe—but the good news is God's Word is completely adequate to help us through. Click on the button above to join us today for Marriage Monday.

While thinking about today's topic, I had a hard time coming up with something to share. We have had our times of disagreements and hard days just like every married couple. We've used these times to learn and grow instead of drive us apart. I couldn't think of any story to share of how our marriage has gone through any extreme makeover.

What I did think about is how we are different today than we were when we said our vows 8 years ago. We were so in love then and that love has grown deeper. We thought we knew everything about one another but we realize we keep learning new things. We've learned so much through the years. He knows what I like now and does those things to make me happy, like praying together and telling me good night each night instead of rolling over and going to sleep. Marriage is something that takes consistent work. You can't just decide one day, "I think I'll put some effort into my marriage today and try to make my husband happy." You have to consistently grow and build day after day.

On our wedding invitation was the verse Ecclesiastes 4:12-- "A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." That has been an encouragement throughout our marriage, and we know that the third strand is God. He has been our helper and given us blessings in our marriage for which we are both thankful.

Have a day of blessings!


bp said...

Sorry to those three who commented, I accidently clicked "reject" instead of "publish" comments! Sorry!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! It sounds like you have a marriage made in heaven. Your husband prays at bedtime for you? That's so sweet. Many wives would like that kind of tender care, but don't receive it. Your man is a keeper.

Bless you! And thanks for joining us for Marriage Monday today, Bethany.


Denise said...

Such a lovely post, may God continue to bless your marriage.

Speaking from the Heart said...

Your husband is a keeper. May your love for each other continues to bloom as you age together.