Sunday, October 4, 2009

Proverbs & Prayers: Week #40

Already week 40 of the year 2009 is here? That means only 12 weeks left of this year!

This week's verse is Proverbs 21:29--

"A wicked man puts up a bold front, but an upright man gives thought to his ways."

Please let me know if you have any prayer requests this week. (I'm posting this early so I may come back later and add more.)

I do have a couple of praises to share:

~ Melanie's cancer in remission.

~ Orion is showing some improvements this past week. There is talk that he may get to go home.

~ Remember when I shared about being stuck in traffic due to a tragic accident? Well I heard another story about this accident this week and had to share. At the local food pantry where I volunteer one of the men showed me a freezer full of roasts they'd been given last week by another food pantry in town. Our food pantry wasn't going to have enough meat this week to give around during the food distribution on Thursday but now they had these roasts to pass out! The man thought the roasts were from the 18 wheeler that had been involved in the accident last week. This is one good thing in the midst of such tragedy that blessed many families.

I'll share this week about our weekend trip and also have Marriage Monday this week plus some more book reviews.

Have a day of blessings!


Amanda said...

Praise God!!!

Great Scripture as well...

Love to you sweet Bethany!

Melanie said...

Hi, Bethany! It's been so long since I stopped by for a visit... just slowed down a bit with blogging for the summer.

It's so great to get back in the swing again and visit all my blog friends. It's been fun catching up with you this evening!

Have a great week!

Denise said...

Wonderful scripture.

Denise said...

Wonderful scripture.

susansspace said...

That's some exciting praise reports! I don't know Melanie, but praise God that her cancer is in remission! Good news for Orion, too! What a wonderful example of God working things for our good in bringing something good out of the tragedy on the highway!
Blessings, Susan

Debbie Petras said...

Bethany, is there a blog for Orion's parents? I'm so sorry to hear this news and wanted to send them a message if it's possible.

Love you,