Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Unexpected delays

I'm sitting in traffic as I type. I have been here over an hour now, trying to get the few hundred yards to my exit to get home. I wonder what those in the vehicles around me are thinking and feeling. Are they mad? Are they late for an important meeting? Is anyone sick and needing to get home to rest? Probably someone was going to have lunch with a friend and they won't make it. I'm so glad I didn't tell Caleb I'd eat lunch with him today as I'd considered.

I have talked to my husband. He found out there was an accident claiming the lives of three people, plus others with injuries.

Why am I sitting here? I had the thought as I headed towards home that I'd be home by 11 today. It's now 12:37. I made a stop at the grocery store for my husband. I'd gone to the store yesterday, but I'd missed Grapenuts that he'd written on my list. Since I was in town I stopped by to pick them up for him. I can't help but think maybe I didn't see it on my list yesterday so I wouldn't be involved in the accident today. (Later I found out it was up the interstate a bit more than I would have traveled. Still I know God had a reason for me to be sitting there. That hasn't happened to me in a long time and I don't think ever when I've been by myself.)

What attitude do you have when you face unexpected delays in life? This goes back to the idea that we have a choice about our attitudes. So I sit and wait. I've listened to my audio CD of Karen Kingsbury's Take One, balanced the checkbook, and read some from another book.

Join me in saying a prayer for the families of those who lost their lives.

PS: I got home and it's 12:55. I did get home by 1. Thank you God.

Have a day of blessings!


Amanda said...

I'm so grateful you DID get home!!

Wow. Good for you to seek God in the details. I am always so impressed with your heart for Him!! Its inspiring!!

I will most certainly pray for that family and those involved... its just about unthinkable...

Blessings to you-

Bethany said...

What a rollercoaster day that must have been for you. I hope you are feeling God's presence as you go on through your day.

susansspace said...

Sorry you had such a long delay today, but your sweet attitude is an example to us all.
So sad that the accident resulted in loss of lives.

Shelby said...

So sad for those families with the fatalities; I'm thankful you weren't involved. But mostly, thanks for reminding me to be patient when delays come my way and to redeem the time in a good and productive way.

Denise said...

Praying for those dear families, and thanking God for getting you home safely. I love you.

Karen said...

I said a prayer for those involved in that accident and their families.

Glad to know you're okay.

Take care and I hope you're having a great weekend!