Tuesday, August 18, 2009

As long as it is called Today: Christian parents (August)

Welcome to "As long as it is called Today" as we encourage one another as Christians. I hope you will join me each week on Tuesdays as we encourage each other in our daily lives as Christians, spouses, parents, and home keepers. Today our focus is on Christian parents.
Here is the link to last week's question.
Today's question: What special back-to-school traditions do you have with your children or did you have yourself as a child?

My answer: I always loved to go shopping for school supplies. I still do actually! I was excited to go with Caleb to pick out his supplies. I also loved choosing what I would wear the first day. I still remember some of my first day choices!

Have a wonderful day! Thanks for visiting today! I'll be back to visiting more blogs next week.


Denise said...

I loved picking out my clothes with my momma for the first day back to school.

susansspace said...

Back-to-School was always such an exciting time! I can recall having my 'first day of school' outfit along with a new pair of shoes, book bag, pencils, etc., all laid out a full week ahead of time.
For my daughters, meeting their new teacher and seeing their classroom for the first time was a big event.

Amanda said...

I guess clothes shopping... we always loved that!

How are you doing dear girl??? You going to be able to make it without your sweet guy during the day?


sister sheri said...

Taking a picture of Christopher at the front door of the house with his backpack on the morning of the first day.