Tuesday, August 11, 2009

As long as it is called Today: Christian spouses (August)

Welcome to "As long as it is called Today" as we encourage one another as Christians. I hope you will join me each week on Tuesdays as we encourage each other in our daily lives as Christians, spouses, parents, and home keepers.

You can find last week's post here. Read the other answers or leave your own encouragement there if you have not done so yet.

Today's question: Share a special memory of your wedding day. This can be something funny, sweet, or a wedding mishap.
My answer: Our wedding was just perfect and exactly how I had dreamed and hoped it would be. One thing that is funny to me and we still laugh about is how we felt rushed at the reception and didn't get to eat and enjoy much of our cakes. My aunt made both our cakes and chocolate covered strawberries and it felt like as soon as we finished greeting everyone as they came through the cake lines and were going to sit down to eat it was time to go change to leave for our honeymoon. I loved everything about our wedding and I'm so thankful to have those sweet memories of our special day!
I look forward to reading your answers. Also be sure to check back tomorrow for a special post.


Denise said...

My wedding was everything I had ever wanted it to be, I am blessed.

sister sheri said...

Ran out of food at reception.

Cake almost teetered over. (It was a six layer cake that I thought they would combine layers... but it was six stories high!)

My sister... matron of honor... stepped on my train and ripped it right before I walked down the aisle.

One of the candlelighters wouldn't work... so the candle lighting was not symmetric... and delayed the wedding by 15 minutes.

Married the best man in the whole world... and still together 21 years later!