Tuesday, August 4, 2009

As long as it is called Today: Christian women/men (August)

It's time again for "As long as it is called Today" as we encourage one another as Christians. I hope you will join me each week on Tuesdays as we encourage each other in our daily lives as Christians, spouses, parents, and home keepers.

You can find last week's post here.

Today's question: Please share how you study God's Word. How much time do you spend in the Word each day?

My answer: I've done various types of studies. I really enjoy book studies over a particular topic or book of the Bible. Right now I'm doing one on I Peter that is so interesting. I'm taking it slowly and have found some amazing truths. One time I did word studies and that was interesting. I do my study time/prayer time when Caleb is napping. I don't know yet how this will change when he's in school.

I look forward to reading your answers. Thanks for stopping by! Come back soon!


Kristi said...

I try to get up before my family and start the day with the Lord first thing. I have done almost all of Beth Moore's studies, Experiencing God, Masterlife, etc. I use to read a Proverbs a day, and I loved that. Lately I seem to either read Streams in the Desert or Daily Light for my moring devotions.

Amanda said...

I don't have a specific time I sit and study the Word. (And I gotta change that!)

But I do have devotionals and prayer blogs and inspiration blogs that I read everyday... and I am in Bible study right now so I spend time on that.

I must make it MORE of a priority!!


Denise said...

First thing in the morning, I do my devotion time. In the evening, my sweet hubby and I have a bible study time.