Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Thankful Thursday: Joy

Welcome to another week of Thankful Thursday! This month Iris at Grace Alone will be our hostess. I hope you will join us in giving thanks! Iris has chosen joy for today's theme.

Jesus is our joy giver and joy is one of the fruit (Galatians 5:22, 23) that Christians should have in their lives. This joy comes from having Christ in our lives. It isn't something we can pretend or turn on and off.

There are many things that bring joy to my heart. One such thing was on December 2, 2002 when I found out I was pregnant for the first time. My husband and I both were excited beyond words. Just a few weeks later though we lost our first child due to a miscarriage. Today, August 6, 2009, I remember with joy in my heart those few weeks. This day is special because it was my first due date. Our first baby would be turning six. I now imagine that baby (who I felt in my heart was a girl because of a dream I had before I lost her) in, free, happy, and healthy. Caleb told me he thinks God and Jesus will have a birthday party for his sister. I like to think so too. I know I was forever changed due to those nearly 11 weeks of pregnancy. God had a purpose for us to go through that time of sadness and loss. I have no doubt His timing and plan for us has been perfect, even through the pain we know He was with us.

Today I am also thankful for...

~ my wonderful loving husband. He is just such a blessing to me everyday and I thank God for him.

~ the joy our four year old son (I can say he's four for just a few more days!) brings to everyone he meets with his smile, laughter, and cute stories.

~ the things I have been able to accomplish this week. I've had a long to do list but it has been manageable and I'm so thankful I'm getting things crossed off the list. It's been a joy to prepare for our son's birthday party.

~ getting a Wii. It's been fun to play the games with my boys!

~ answers to prayer.

Have a wonderful day. I'm glad you chose to stop by Raindrops & Rainbows today. God bless you!
"I sing for joy at the works of your hands." Psalm 92:4


Amanda said...

What a touching post... I love your tender heart!

LOVE your new blog design too!!!


Aunt Angie said...

First, congratulations to the Birthday Boy!

I felt your love of the LORD through the entirety of this post. Your calm assurance that HE has all things in His control blessed we each have our own battles to face, I see from your loss and growth, that God takes each heart in His hand and leads us on to the next step of greater faith!

God bless you for sharing such a beautiful post!

Debbie Petras said...

Love your TT post today. I'm so sorry to learn of your miscarriage. I love how Caleb talks of celebrating her birthday in heaven though. You have a grateful heart, Bethany.

Pia said...

God had a purpose for us to go through that time of sadness and loss. --- i agree. i believe that God wouldn't allow things to happen for nothing. i know there is a purpose and in God's perfect time, it will be revealed to us.

may God bless your grateful heart.

Kristi said...

I'm thanking the Lord for you today. You are a blessing and your thankful heart shines so beautifully in this post. We have a wii too and it is such a blast! Happy almost birthday to your precious baby boy.

Denise said...

Sweet blessings to your angel in heaven, love you my friend.

gengen said...

Bless your lovely heart...Thanks for sharing. TC

Michele said...

What a heart felt TT. Have blessed TT

Sarah said...

My four year old turns five this week too! Rejoicing in your thankful heart today.

Delighted to meet you.

Blessings from Costa Rica,
Sarah Dawn

Angela said...

Thank you for sharing this with us....I too miscarried a child, I named her Talitha....Beautiful thankfilled post..

Karen said...

Thank you so much for what you shared today. Your Caleb sounds like a true joy. I got to pray with a young lady this week who had just had a third miscarriage. She comforted me by reminding me of the wonderful time our children are having with Jesus.

I LOVE your new template and thank you for that great verse: I SING FOR JOY AT THE WORK OF YOUR HANDS!

Karen said...

Doesn't it feel so good to cross things off a to-do list? There's such a sense of accomplishment!

Hope you have a great day!

Debra Kaye said...


Your love of the Lord just shines ever so brightly through this post! I was so touched by it. Happy Birthday to Caleb!!!

And blessings to you, my friend!

Rita T. said...

You have a great list!


Bethany, Happy Birthday to your son. I have an award on my blog for you. Blessings, Audrey

mommyto3andahusky said...

I am sorry for your loss! :( I remember during the first few months of my pregnancy with Audrey worrying about a miscarriage. I decided that if God needed my baby then it was out of my control. Then I told myself not to worry and focus on the happiness. I would rather have a few weeks of happiness than a few weeks of worrying if it was going to happen regardless. I just love your blog and your background is super cute!

Daisy said...

Aww I totally love your blog design and your beautiful message. Thanks for sharing these with us.

I'm a bit late for Thankful Thursday (here is my entry) but hopefully next week, I'll be able to post on time. God Bless!
