Thursday, February 12, 2009

As long as it is called Today: Christian wives/husbands (February)

I'm posting this early since we'll be heading out of town for the weekend!

Welcome to our second month of As long as it is called Today! Our focus on the second Friday of the month is to encourage one another as Christian spouses. I hope you will join me each week on Friday as we encourage each other in our daily lives as Christians, spouses, parents, and home keepers.

You can read answers to last week's question here:

Christians (February)

Today's question: Share a tip that you have used in your marriage to show your spouse you love him/her.

My answer: One thing I like to do is put a CD in his CD player in the truck and have it set to one of "our songs." Then the next time he goes somewhere it comes on to that special song. I have also called to leave a voicemail on his phone at work and let it record a song he loves as it plays, followed by a brief message. It's something easy and free and tells him I'm thinking of him!

Please leave a comment to share your answer. Have a great weekend! I'll update next week on our Valentine weekend.


Denise said...

Enjoy your weekend sweetie.

Melanie said...

Several days a week I will call my hubby during the day just to say "Hi.. I'm thinking of you." Nothing hugely spectacular, but it works for us to just know we are on one another's minds when we are away.

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hum...this is a good one! Maybe I need to think about this more as nothing pops to mind!

Well... I know my hubbys love language is actions, so I try to clean the house before he gets home so he feels loved.

Hope you are feeling well! Many blessings!

Kathy said...

It's funny, I can think of millions of ways he shows me he loves me, so many little things he does. But I can't think of anything that I do to show him I love him. I need to work on that!
I asked him and one thing he said I do to show him I love him is that I play the piano for him. He likes to relax on the couch and let me play for him.

In Light of the Truth... said...

My man is definitely a "get to his heart through his stomach" kind of guy, so a lot of times I'll make his favorite dishes or buy his favorite treats. And I try really hard to have the home tidied up and in order before he gets home from work, so it's a RELAXING place to come home to instead of complete chaos.

sister sheri said...

Strange.. but I left a comment earlier in the week for this post... hmmm...

After 20 years of marriage... I finally figure out that my husband would rather a hot meal on the table than a clean house. That he likes a starch... a meat... and a salad at EVERY dinner. So, I've decided to to do these simple things... and it makes all the difference... the simple things...