Sunday, November 23, 2008

How can I pray for you?

If you have a prayer request to share this week, please let me know! Thanks!

Prayer requests for this week:

~ Continue to pray for Marsha and her husband on her trip. You can read an update on her blog.

~ All those traveling and visiting family over the Thanksgiving holidays.

~ Families who are missing loved ones this Thanksgiving as they face the first Thanksgiving without them.

"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." I John 4:18


Christy said...

I do have a prayer request. My best friend is moving back to the states. Prayers for them to have smooth travels to Pn as well as on into Az. Prayers that they find a church family quickly, prayers for the son to adjust quickly and easily into school. Prayers for my family as we adjust to life without them in it on a daily basis. Prayers for our aching hearts.

Always prayers for my husband's safety while he's deployed to Iraq.

God bless and tell me how I can pray for you this week?

Michele Williams said...

My daughter Heather and her family are having great financial troubles.