Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday Favorites: My #3

Today I have chosen John Waller's "The Blessing" for my Friday Favorite. Here are the lyrics. As I've watched this video so many thoughts have filled my head. Caleb heard the music and came to see it so we watched it again. I got to talk to him as we watched about ways we bless others and help those in need. This is a really good video that tells a story about a group truly being a blessing.

Hurting people are all around us. Often we try to hide our hurts, but they're there just the same. Recently through participating in the "Kingdom Assignment" I have come to realize how many people are hurting and need to be blessed. This assignment has been a big eye opener to me as to ways I can really love my neighbor. We have been blessed with so much, both materially and spiritually. We need to pass these blessings on to others. I challenge you to look for ways to be a blessing to someone else. The big thing about this is that it doesn't take a large amount of money (or any money for that matter!) to bless someone else and show Jesus' love. Ask yourself what simple things can you do to bless someone else. Some things that come to mind....a smile, wave, "thank you" or "have a good day", leaving the change in the coke machine to buy someone else a coke, baking cookies and leaving them as a surprise on your neighbor's doorstep, buying a bag of individually wrapped candy to pass out, writing a note to your child's teacher, paying for the order for someone in the drive-thru. The people around us are so burdened with worries and concerns that we all should take time to find ways to bless them, to make them feel special, to give them hope. People need to see us being Jesus' hands and feet now!

Yesterday Natalie posted about holiday traditions that are non-negotiable. This made me think about the traditions we have to pass to our son. This is the perfect time of year to evaluate your traditions and the legacy you're passing to your children. It's the perfect time to find an activity for the whole family to bless someone else. I hope you'll consider ways you can bless others today and throughout the holiday season. Remember, it is really a choice we make.

Have a wonderful day and weekend!
"This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live...." Deuteronomy 30:19


Debbie Petras said...

I like that ... the choice to bless! That's a great way of putting it and it also causes me to think of ways to do this. You're right; it doesn't have to take money. Even things like picking up your neighbor's paper that's been sitting in the driveway because they forgot to stop the paper when they went out of town. Hmmm... don't know why I thought of that but I guess that happens often in my neighborhood.

Debra Kaye said...


I had never heard this song before but I just loved it and loved the video.

Thank you for asking about Josh...I just posted a few pics of us before he leaves to get ready for our playoff game tonight.

((hugs)) to you and Caleb!

Anonymous said...

What a great song. How important it is for Christians to be light and salt. We all need to be a blessing to someone every day.