Sunday, November 23, 2008

Memory Verse Week 47

I have found several good verses to memorize from Hebrews, like the verse from last week. Have you ever found yourself with bitterness growing inside? It really does cause so much trouble. Sometimes it just sneaks in and we don't realize it but it has a tendency to grow and fester. Then it causes real damage. Kinda like a big weed that keeps showing up in your garden. We need to turn these weeds of bitterness over to God and seek forgiveness and reconciliation rather than let them eat away at us.

This week's verse is found in I Peter 4:10, 11

"Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms."


HEATHER said...

Beautifully said, great verse for this upcoming week.
Love in Christ, Heather A.

Vee said...

Visiting from Leah's today...

This post really spoke to me today. Thank you.

Melanie said...

OH, so true! That bitterness can creep in there so fast and take over if we let it. So thankful we have God's Word to turn to in those times.

Have a great week!

Debra Kaye said...


I'm going to post this verse for this week...what a great reminder to do it 'without grumbling'.

Blessings to you!

susansspace said...

Very nice, Bethany!
I've been meaning to ask you how do you put in the links to click-on in the content of your posting?
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week!

Anonymous said...

Go Peter. I neeeded to hear that! Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

many blessings-