Thursday, November 2, 2023

Thankful Thursday

Happy November!  I always look forward to this month and the beginning of the holiday season.  

What is on your thankful list this week? 

~  my husband bringing in my plants off the porch before the cold.  

~ helping my big boy by reading over/editing papers he's writing for his online classes he is taking.  

~ getting to do some fun fall festival activities with my little guy over the past several days.

~ my Dad coming for church on Sunday and going to lunch together.

~ that we got to have the trunk or treat at our church on a smaller scale version last night and still had some people show up.  Also we had a meal and I was thankful we had enough food for everyone to enjoy. It was originally going to be Sunday evening but was cancelled due to rain and near freezing temperatures.  We had nice fall weather last night with a little chill in the air.

~ making soup to enjoy with the boys (my husband doesn't eat soup).  It was good!

Have a day of blessings!

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