Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Are you too hard on yourself or not hard enough? Elaborate. 
Yes I have always been too hard on myself.  I have recognized that about myself in recent years and working towards not being so critical.  My husband has helped me a lot in this regard. 

2. What's the role of gratitude in your life? 

Gratitude has a huge role in my life.  It's so important to show gratitude to those around you for the help they give or service they provide. I've always been one to write thank you notes and have taught this to the boys.  I have done "Thankful Thursday" on my blog since my early blogging days.  I continue to do it here as well as on my Facebook page.  It can really shift your perspective if you pay attention to all you have to be thankful for, but also to not just keep it to yourself but to express that gratitude. 

3. Where do you get your news these days? How much attention are you giving it currently? 

My husband will share news with me.  I see local news through following TV channels on FB.  I do look online occasionally at news but not very often.  I feel I should know more but at the same time don't want to be bogged down with all the bad that's happening.

4. Do you like potatoes? Last time you prepared potatoes in some way? Which of the following is your favorite...baked potato, mashed potato, french fried potato, sweet potato, hash brown potatoes, roasted potatoes, or potato salad? 

Yes I love potatoes!  We had hash browns (from a bag) on breakfast burritos for supper on the weekend.  I do like sweet potatoes now which is a fairly new thing for me!  On the list my favorite (right now) is baked sweet potatoes.  

5. Are you a veteran? Are there any veterans in your family? Will you do anything special to honor them on Veteran's Day/Remembrance Day this year? 

No I am not a veteran.  My Peepaw served our country.  He did not talk much about his experience.  Our school honors local veterans with a program done by the children.  

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I had several comments asking about the diamond art I mentioned a couple weeks ago.  It is a kit with a numbered picture.  You match the symbols/numbers on the picture to tiny colored diamond dots with a little tool.  The dots stick to the wax on the end of the tool and then you stick it onto the picture.  I find it very enjoyable.  

Here is an example.  This is one I'm currently working on. The birdhouse, flowers, and birds are the diamond dots.  The fall one I did was a complete picture of all dots, no empty space.

Have a day of blessings! 


Mrs.T said...

I love baked sweet potatoes too!

Had to look back at your fall diamond art. I think I need to check that out on Amazon! It is beautiful!

Lisa said...

I've never heard of the diamond dots! How cute!!!

Barbara said...

"Thankful Thursday" is a good idea.

On the subject of potatoes, I love them all, including baked sweet potatoes with plenty of butter!

I like the graphic in your sidebar about Faith is taking a step when you can't see the whole staircase. That is so true!

Joyce said...

So glad you explained the diamond art. I've never heard of it but I'm intrigued. I love sweet potatoes too. As a child when my mom baked them she let us put sugar on them with the butter. I don't do that anymore but I do still love them. Have a nice week!

ellen b. said...

Sounds like you have a very supportive husband. That diamond art does look and sound interesting. Hope you have a lovely week.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm glad you husband is helping through that. Yes, gratitude is very important. I agree, I should know more about the news but it is rare to hear about good news. Your random is very interesting. Hope you have a nice weekend.

Kirstin said...

That diamond art is so cool.