Thursday, September 1, 2022

Thankful Thursday

Happy September!

This week I am thankful for...
~  my husband listening to me and hearing what I'm saying.  

~ my big boy calling and asking if I would like him to bring me home a tea when he was in town and it was happy hour.  Of course I said yes!  Sweet raspberry!

~ hearing my little guy sing praise songs.  It always makes me smile.

~ the beautiful rain this week for several days off an on.  We are so thankful to receive this rain.

~ snack day with both of my boys.  It took so long to get our order but it was good....I guess another lesson in waiting and being patient.  

~ my friend's daughter and her family arriving back safely to America after living in Australia the past few years (four I think).  They had a trip planned to go over to see them but then couldn't because of Covid.  I am so happy for her that they are back here! 

Don't forget to check out this giveaway for a chance to win a "Weekend to Remember" with your spouse.  They have conferences in cities all over the country.

Have a day of blessings!

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