Thursday, September 8, 2022

Thankful Thursday

This week I am thankful for...

~ my husband getting the news of a job offer.  We are thankful.  We don't know yet when he will start.

~ my big boy working so hard to create a non profit.  It is official now, and he has been sharing his plan with people at the school.  They are all on board and excited to be part of this!  I'm excited for him and excited to see all of his dreams become reality.

~ hearing the stories from my little guy about his day.  He told me about a report he's working on with a group in one of his classes and about a new friend he made.  I love it when he tells me he made a new friend.  

~ seeing green grass/plants again.  The rains we've received helped it seems.

~ a friend blessing us with a gift card.

~ taking our creative arts entries to the fair!  This is something we've enjoyed doing for many years!

Have a day of blessings!

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