Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Something you've labored over recently? 
I had the opportunity to do a free online continuing ed course about Google Drive.  One I chose to do was for "My Maps."  It was a lot of fun to figure things out and learn something new.  I spent a lot of time on searching for the right pictures and icons to add to my map.  

2. How will you rest on Labor Day? 
Not having to set the alarm! 

3. Margaret Mead is quoted as saying, "I learned the value of hard work by working hard." Would you agree? Where and how did you learn the value of hard work? 
I saw people work hard my entire life.  My Dad and Peepaw would be two examples.  

4. It's National Eat Outside Day (August 31st). Will you? Do you enjoy dining 'al fresco' or prefer indoor seating? No I won't eat outside today.  I do not enjoy it.  We will rarely eat on our back deck, sometimes for a special occasion.  When eating out I don't request the patio.  I don't like the flies or the wind.

5. Somehow it's the end of August. What was the best day of the month for you and tell us what made it so? It's hard to pick a "best day".  I'll say August 12 because we celebrated our boy's 18th birthday!  

6. Insert your own random thought here.
We have been receiving rain this week!  It is such a blessing to us because of this drought we have been in this year. Everything is brown and dead it seems.  You can tell which yards have wells to use for watering their grass.   

Have a day of blessings! 


Joyce said...

Glad you enjoyed your computer class. I have definitely 'learned on the job' when it comes to anything computer related. And I call my girls when I get stuck. They are my personal IT department : ) Have a nice weekend!

Astrid said...

I'm grateful on your behalf for the rain. When you get enough of it, send some our way, as the drought is quite bad here too.

That Google course sounds interesting.

Anstice Brown said...

The Google "my maps" course sounds interesting.
I don't like to eat outside much either. It's rarely good enough weather for that here, anyway. Hope you have a great week!

crackercrumblife said...

Our grass is so brown as well! :(

Enjoy sleeping in on Monday!

Kirstin said...

I enjoy the days I don't set an alarm, though this last weekend I think I had to set an alarm every day. I enjoyed your answers.