Thursday, March 17, 2022

Thankful Thursday

It is our Spring Break this week!  It has looked a little different from the past few years because we didn't take the camper on a trip.

This week I am thankful for...
~ celebrating my husband's birthday on Sunday. We're the same age again now!  I'm thankful he was born and for the blessing it is to be his wife.

~ my big boy being able to go to the Houston Livestock show this week.  He's enjoyed his time there.

~ a fun day with my little guy on Monday.  He helped at Aldi to find food for the church blessing box.  I told him we had $16 and we spent $15.98.  I added up the prices on the calculator and was surprised when we checked out to have it so close to our goal amount.  We also went to the library, took Daddy a balloon at work, and tried out Bahama Bucks.

~ that my back pain is improved today after several days of pain.  I feel like the magnesium my husband rubbed on my back last night really helped.

~ pretty spring weather.  Spring is nearly here officially! 

~ trying a new Norwex is the cleaning paste.  I really like it so far.

My heart is heavy after learning of multiple tragedies this week related to people I know.  My prayers are with them as they hurt.  

Have a day of blessings! 

1 comment:

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Happy Birthday to your husband. Glad the boys are enjoying themselves. Glad your back is a little better. Glad the weather is nice. What is the paste used on? Keeping the people you know in my prayers.