Thursday, January 13, 2022

Thankful Thursday

~  Facetiming with my husband while he stays apart from us.  We are thankful we have the camper by the house that he can stay in.  He has a cough and we don't think he has covid but are trying to be safe and not spread germs.  So I'm thankful we can Facetime each other.  

~ my big boy working so hard with his steer.  I'm just so proud of him and the hours he has put in with this.  He has found something new he loves and I can't put into words how thankful I am he has that opportunity and the help he's been given.

~ that my little guy is a "rock star reader" at his school.  He achieved this on Monday, he was excited about it.  We are proud of our little book loving boy! 

~ a call from my sweet friend.  It was one of those "out of the blue" calls and I appreciated that so much.

~ unexpected longer weekend.....It's nice to have the boys home but sad for the reason...The school made the decision to close Thursday and Friday this week due to high absent rates due to Covid and other sickness among both teachers and students.  Praying we can get healthy and over this.  Other local schools have also closed.

~  the canvas I ordered arrived and it's so perfect!  I don't post pictures of my kids on my blog or I would post it.  It is exactly as I wanted....the size and everything about it.  

Have a day of blessings! 

1 comment:

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That works out well with the camper. Hopefully he will be back in the house soon. Hoping the boys can go back to school soon. I love pictures on canvas. I have a whole wall of vacation spots that I put on canvas. Have a nice weekend.