Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. It's National Popcorn Day-my favorite! Are you a fan? Sweet or salty? A good or great movie you've seen recently (at home or in a theater, either one)? 
I love popcorn!  As a child I remember on Saturday nights some times my Mom would melt marshmallows to drizzle over it.  We have a shop here too that sales flavored popcorn.  I got a bag for was sweet with a coating and cookies pieces mixed in.
I don't watch many movies.  

2. What's something you didn't realize was going to take so much of your time as an adult? 
Coming up with a variety of meals...Somedays I think back to college and how nice it was to just walk to the Bean (our cafeteria) and go to one of the lines to pick something to eat.

3. Your favorite yellow something? 

4. Why do you write? 
On my share memories and also reviews of books I enjoy.
Notes/ encourage others with some "cheer mail."

5. Share a favorite memory associated with snow.

We don't get a lot of snow here so when we do it is special!  When Caleb was in kindergarten the school called for us to pick up kids early because of the snow. 
More recently we would go over to our neighbor's house and watch the boys play together in the snow.  They have moved so I thought when we have snow this year I will miss doing that.  

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Are Covid cases high where you live?  Our school closed last week Thursday and Friday.  We had a holiday on Monday and went back on Tuesday.  

Have a day of blessings!


ellen b. said...

A lot of people answered coming up with meals as the answer to that question. Those popcorn varieties sound interesting. Happy Hodgepodge to you!

Lisa said...

Covid is horrible here in Alabama. I know that some schools went virtual for a few days like yours did.
I often think it would be nice to just walk to the cafeteria and pick out what I want!! Someone else could plan it, cook it, and clean it up.

Felicia said...

Our schools closed from Thursday to today. It’s insane! I’ll definitely be checking out your book reviews!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's interesting about the melted marshmallow on the popcorn. Yellow is my favorite color and roses in yellow are so beautiful. It appears that the covid cases are high everywhere but started to level out.

Mary said...

I abhor making meal plans! I make a calendar for every 2 weeks and I just put it off until I have to go to the grocery store.
We were off This past week we had Monday as an admin day but it was canceled due to weather and changed to Tues. The kids came to school on Wed. and we were off Thurs. and Fri. due to illness.