Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What's one thing you learned at the ripe old age of whatever age you are now?
I'm beginning to learn about quilting.  I have always wanted to try and so I am having lessons with a dear neighbor, mentor, and friend on Thursday mornings.  It is very enjoyable to me.  I have a lot to learn!  

2. I read here a list of foods that can help you look younger-

extra virgin olive oil, green tea, fatty fish, dark chocolate, vegetables, flaxseeds, pomegranates, avocados, tomatoes, spices, bone broth

How many of the foods listed have you tried? How many do you eat regularly? Your favorite from the list?
I've eaten dark chocolate, vegetables, pomegranates, avocados, tomatoes, and spices.  I used to not like avocados but now I do.  I eat tomatoes a lot, I especially love the fresh ones form the garden.  I love pomegranates!  We have one growing but it hasn't produced any fruit.  I'm not sure if it takes a certain number of years or if it is fruitless variety.

3. Something you miss from the 'good old days'? When were the good old days anyway?
I miss how people used to talk to each other, read books, and write letters. A lot of this has changed because of technology/phones.  I think technology can be good, but also we miss out on so much when we rely on it too much.  

4. What are two or three of the most rewarding things to be found in growing older?
I have realized I am not worried/concerned with the things that mattered to me years ago.  
This is true in relationships and as a Mom.  I do things differently now with Titus than I did when Caleb was this age 10 years ago. And that's okay!  

Another thing that is rewarding about growing older is how relationships change and grow.  It's beautiful to me to look back and realize how long I've had some people in my life and how important their friendship is to me.

5. What's your favorite part of your life right now?
I love having a junior and a kindergartener.  So many days memories will pop up in Facebook from when Caleb was the age Titus is now.  They are such sweet memories.  Because I have been through this age with Caleb, I know how quickly it goes. I love seeing the brothers together and their relationship is beautiful!  

6. Insert your own random thought here.
My van has been taken to the shop.  (See previous post regarding the accident we had.)  The insurance gave their estimate.  The shop is supposed to start working on it Monday.  

Have a day of blessings! 


songbird's crazy world said...

Loved your answers about your kids

Lisa said...

Good morning! Love your answers. Totally non-related question - what is the font you are using - I LOVE it! Oh - I'm visiting from Hodgepodge!

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Great answers. How great to have that age gap between your children! Have a great week.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Way to go on learning quilting. I always wanted a pomegranate tree. We have a lemon tree and it took awhile to produce fruit. Now we are up to about 30 lemons a year. I agree, technology has changed things. Love your answer for #5 about the boys.

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Yes, it's not all bad growing older for sure. My daughter has a 12 year old, a 5 year old and a 1 year old. She's 41 and enjoying the wide spread difference in their age. It makes me tired just thinking about it. :o))

ellen b. said...

Hello! I enjoyed reading your hodgepodge. Good for you for taking up quilting and how nice that you have a mentor! Nodding my head about your answer to number 3! Hope the rest of your week goes well.

Pamela said...

Great post! I miss the same things about the good old days - they were slower, simpler times.

Pamela said...

I enjoyed reading your Hodgepodge. Hope all goes well with your van!

Willow said...

Yay for learning to quilt! I am learning to weave. Both skills are so much fun. And it's good to challenge our brains, isn't it?
And yes, relationships change and grow and the ones that stay are worth gold.