Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Something you've done in recent days or months that might be described as a labor of love?
I am the football team Mom this year for varsity.  I had in my notes from last year that the previous team Mom had made a prayer list.  I wanted to do this to so did a post on Facebook in a couple places to get 40 people to pray for our 30 players and 10 coaches.  They picked a number and then I sent them a message after all were picked and told them who they'd be praying for.  It took more time than I expected but I felt it was important to have people committing to pray for our team, coaches, and season.  

2. Last time you 'worked your fingers to the bone'?
Working in the yard comes to mind.  I was hoeing weeds and stickers a while back. 

3. According to a recent survey people named the following ten jobs as the hardest-nurse, doctor, paramedic, police officer, firefighter, surgeon, healthcare worker, bomb squad, farmer, and prison warden. Of the jobs listed which would you say is the hardest? The one you'd most like to do? Least like to do? What's one job you would add to the list?
I'm surprised teacher isn't on the list now so I'd add that to the list.  Hopefully parents have more of an appreciation for teachers now that schooling is looking so different. 

Of those listed I think physically farmer is the hardest.  Emotionally and physically I would say police officer would be the hardest.  

I am not sure I'd want to do any of those jobs!  When I was in elementary school I said I wanted to be a doctor.  But then when I interviewed one for a project and he told me he didn't have a lot of time with his family I changed my mind.  

I definitely wouldn't want to be a prison warden.

4. A recipe you make that is labor intensive, but worth it?
A couple come to mind.  An old favorite is broccoli salad.  I made this when I was in elementary school for a 4H Food contest.  It became a favorite to have with our Thanksgiving meal.  
I don’t enjoy cooking the bacon or chopping all the broccoli for, it but it is so good! These are the ingredients!

5. Last job you did or task you completed that required teamwork?
Being the team Mom we decorate the locker room for the boys each week.  I'm glad to have a few other Moms who help with this.  Also my Mom makes posters for us to put up each week too.  A couple examples of what we've done.  

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

On Sunday after church we were driving home on the interstate and hit a mattress box springs.  There was an 18 wheeler beside or behind us (not exactly sure at the moment it happened) so there was no where we could have moved to avoid it.  We didn't see it in the road, it was just there.  We didn't see it fly out of a truck.  It happened on an overpass area that kind of was a little hill so I'm thinking that is why we came up on it and didn't see it.  My husband did a great job handling the hit and getting us to the side of the road safely.  I was thankful Caleb wasn't driving when this happened as I know it would have been more challenging/scary for him as a young driver. Or myself for that  matter!  We were safe.  My van can be fixed.  We are waiting on insurance to send an adjuster to look at it.  TxDOT came and cleared the debris and apparently a man came back to pick up his mattress.  We saw him loading it.  My husband waved at him to stop and he sped away.  That was disappointing that he didn't even stop to see if we were alright.  I know it could have been much worse and thankful it was not.

Have a day of blessings! 



Theresa said...

You sound like a great team mom! Love the prayer list you did. Thank God no one was hurt in the accident. I added teacher to the list too :)

Martha said...

I'm so glad nobody was injured! Keep up the good work as team mom :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's really nice about being Team Mom and the prayers. Yes, teachers is a good one, especially with the current situation. Your salad sounds very interesting. That's nice about the decorations in the locker room and glad you have help! So thankful for God's blessings with the encounter with the mattress box springs.

ellen b. said...

Wow! So sorry for that accident with the boxspring! scary. Glad you made it to the side of the road with no incident. You are the second person who has mentioned Teacher as a hard job and that's so true. Good for you for your labor of love with the team!! That's a lot of coordinating and work. Have a great rest of your week!