Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. This time last year where were you? Not much different from this year!  I was home and enjoying summer with my boys.

2. In honor of National Pink Day (June 23rd) tell us your favorite pink food or beverage. Was it on the menu at your house yesterday? Do you like to wear the color pink? If we came to visit would we find this color in your home decor? Blush-fuschia-salmon-raspberry-your favorite shade of pink?  The first thing that came to mind when I thought of pink was the cherry "fluff."  I don't even know what it is called.  I've never made it but love it when it is at a church fellowship lunch.  It is cherry pie filling, cool whip, and I don't know what else.

I don't mind wearing pink, I have several pink tshirts that I wear often. I think of them as hot pink.

I can't think of anything pink in my house!

I looked at some samples online and fuschia was my favorite.

3. Stop and smell the roses, looking through rose colored glasses, a rose by any other name, not all moonlight and roses, no rose without a thorn...which rosy saying currently fits your life in some way? Explain.
Stop and smell the roses.... Two things come to mind--My little guy Titus is always pointing out little things to me that I feel I otherwise might not notice.  I love his excitement when he sees a certain bird in the yard or a squirrel.  It reminds me to take time to notice the little things.

The second thing is I was waiting in the truck for my boys and saw something move in the grass.  The door was open and a nice breeze was blowing so I thought it was the wind blowing something.  I looked down and saw this cute fellow.  I just sat and watched it and thought to take a picture and then it hopped away!

4. Are you a 'reader'? Do you tend to read lighter books in the summer months? Do you have a summer reading list? If so, give us a title or two.

I have always loved to read.  I make a new board on Pinterest each year of books I read that year.  I like to look back through those and it helps me keep track of books in a series that I've read.

I like to listen to audio books and usually switch off from fiction and non fiction.

I just finished reading Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers.  It's such a beautiful story.  I have read it before, but when I saw it was coming out as a movie I thought I'd reread it.  I don't think I want to see the movie though.

5. Share with us one rose and one thorn from your weekend.
A rose was that my big boy got home from camp on Saturday.  He had a wonderful week.  We enjoyed hearing his stories.

A thorn from my weekend was that I had a Father’s Day gift idea for my husband too late to get it here.  I got him something else and looked in town at a few stores but it cost more than it did online and didn’t have exactly what I wanted.  So I ordered it late but it will be here this week!

6. Insert your own random thought here.
We went back to church services at the building on June 14, Sunday morning only and no classes.  It was nice to be back, and I appreciated the precautions they are taking to keep everyone safe.  Our area was down to no new cases (or just a couple here and there) for a few weeks, but the last week it is going up daily. 
Have a day of blessings!


Martha said...

So glad you are enjoying the little things and the summer with your boys. Have a great week :)

Susan said...

Hi Bethany, I like your pretty background. Our church has been open for a month now. Nice to be back. Only 100 people per service, mask mandatory and temps taken. I plan on reading Redeeming Love.

Terri D said...

Thanks for visiting my Hodgepodge today, Bethany! Nice to meet you! I enjoyed reading your responses and am so happy Joyce brought the Hodgepodge back!

Barbara said...

That rabbit is very photogenic! I think bunnies think they are invisible to us when they hold perfectly still. Aren't they funny!

I enjoyed your blog post.

Julie said...

I do the same thing with my book lists on Pinterest. Enjoyed reading your answers.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sounds yummy. I use to make a low carb dessert. I can't find my recipe but this is similar. I would make my own whipped cream.
That is true, children are so innocent and see things different than we do. I love seeing bunnies in our yard. I'm glad Caleb is home. I'm sure he will love his gift. I'm glad your area is down to no cases. Take care.