Thursday, June 25, 2020

Thankful Thursday

Some weeks I think I am going to remember certain things for my list and then I get to Thursday and forget! 

We are doing well and staying safe.  The cases have been going up again in this area so that is concerning. 

What are you thankful for this week? 

Here is my thankful list:

~ the great Dad my husband is to our boys.  We celebrated him on Father's Day.  The past few years Caleb has left for camp on Father's Day but this year he was back home so that was fun.  They made him a Shutterfly book of memories of them together.  We've done this for 4 or 5 years now. I got him a couple shirts too that he likes.  He has another gift coming too that I ordered.

~ my big boy having a wonderful time at his camp last week.  He got home on Saturday.  We loved hearing his stories about his week.  We are thankful he got to go and the week wasn't cancelled.  And I was glad to have him home this week to be my driver! 

~ my little guy being such a big boy at his dentist appointment this week for his 6 month cleaning.  I liked seeing him sit in the chair and ask his question to the dentist. 

~ getting to be the football varsity team mom!  I had a meeting today with the coach and the JV team mom.  It is exciting to think about football.  We pray they get to play as normal.

~  starting a new Bible study.  It's called Get Out Of Your Head by Jennie Allen.  You can still sign up; go HERE to join.  It's free.  You can purchase a book to go with it too and there is a Facbeook group too.  It is is over the book of Philippians.  I am enjoying it.

~ seeing my Dad on Monday.  He gave Caleb some new information on his truck he is working on.

Have a day of blessings!


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