Thursday, June 18, 2020

Thankful Thursday

Another Thursday is here.  I can feel summer going by quickly.  I heard today our Texas Governor said students would be back in the classroom in the fall.  A lot of people were happy to hear that news.  I wonder if it will change between now and then.  Cases were going down for us and now they are going back up it seems.

Today I am thankful for...
~ hearing my husband answering a question Titus had about heaven.  I loved overhearing it and how he answered him.  It was a blessing he was working from home and Titus just went and asked him for more information when he asked me a question.

~ my big boy being at camp this week.....boy do I miss him!  He is usually my driver on Meals on Wheels days so I missed him doing that today.

~ the laughter of my little guy when I sprayed him with the water hose when he came out into the yard.  A sweet sound!

~ not being scared of the dentist.  I know many people who do not like going to the dentist.  I went last week for my 6 month cleaning (a few months late due to the closures!).  I had a cracked filling so today he fixed it.  I laid there and realized how calm I was and not feeling fearful at all. I attribute this to when I was a child my Mom made sure I had a positive experience at the dentist.  She drove me out of town to go to a dentist and I've always had a good experience and not been afraid of dental work.

~ being able to do our Meals on Wheels route after my dentist appointment and then lunch with my Mom.

~ getting some plans made for a little vacation this summer with my boys.

Have a day of blessings!


1 comment:

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So much to be thankful for. Glad you had lunch with your mom and how nice to be delivering those meals. I don't like the dentist yet I have never had a bad experience. Have a wonderful Father's Day with your family.