Thursday, August 30, 2018

Thankful Thursday

Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;
    his greatness no one can fathom.
Psalm 145:3

We have had a busy week with the first week of school!  We are all adjusting and looking forward to a 3 day weekend to rest.

This week I am thankful for:

~ my husband being home in the evenings to play and spend time with Titus while I am on "stand by" if Caleb has homework questions!  They ride the "tractor," play with the dog, and read books before a yogurt snack and bath time.  They are sweet together.

~ my big boy working hard at all he is doing right now.  He stays to practice football until 6 and then has been coming home to do geometry.

~ doing lessons with my little guy.  We both enjoy them.  We are doing the letter W.  One day we counted watermelon seeds as part of our lesson.  Today we made a little woodpecker craft. I have gotten library books related to W words too...watermelon, walrus, woodpecker, and window.  It's been fun!  

~ our A/C and water working!  Apparently our city had a leak today and the road is all torn up.  I think they got it fixed because our water is working.

~ grocery pick up.  This may be silly but there was stuff at 3 stores I wanted so I did 3 pick ups.  I have never used HEB before for their pick up and probably won't again.  I didn't like it much for several reasons.  The day I picked up didn't charge an extra fee but most days they do.  The website was confusing and difficult to navigate. It was nice to get the sale items though and not go in the store.  

~ finishing an excellent marriage book.  I will be posting my review soon.  It is called Choosing Marriage by Debra Fileta.

It seems there was something I was going to add on here and I can't remember what it was now! Thanks for stopping by.

Have a day of blessings!

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Reminder from God

This past week I heard or saw this verse 4 different places between Sunday and Tuesday.  First was Sunday at church from our preacher.  Then it was in a devotional book, on a little documentary we watched, and on a wall decoration in a picture.

I guess God knew I needed the reminder and thought you might need the reminder too.

I made this little graphic and shared it on FB and thought I'd add it to my blog too.

Have a day of blessings!


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Thankful Thursday

Today is the first day of school, Caleb's first day of high school!  He was happy this morning, Dad fixed him sausage for breakfast and went to get Titus (and me) a chocolate donut too.  We took pictures and then dropped him off.  I'm so excited to hear about his day!

Today I am thankful for...
~ my husband and the way he works to take care of things for our family.  For example, he got the repairman here Monday and took care of making sure we had A/C again quickly!

~ my big boy beginning high school!  He seemed excited and a little nervous this morning.  He's grown so much since last year!

~ reading books with my little guy.  He loves books and always enjoys going to the library and reading before nap.

~ our A/C being fixed.  We heard it dripping inside on Sunday afternoon.  We had a repairman come Monday.  It was fixed but he also told us the unit is getting old so who knows how much longer it will last. 

~ a wonderful book I got to review called Choosing Marriage.  I had started reading it and then found the audio version on Hoopla so started listening to it.  It is very helpful.

~ a phone call from a sweet friend.  It blessed my day to talk to her.

Have a day of blessings! 

Friday, August 17, 2018

Book: Everyday Holy: Finding a Big God in the Little Moments

About the book:It seems to be a rite of passage for every woman: one day you wake up and think, “Wait. This is the life I signed up for?!?”
We’ve all been there. Melanie Shankle is just brave enough to say it out loud. And Everyday Holy is your invitation to reexamine your life and find the little pieces that create a beautiful picture of a big God.
On any given day, you may be asking yourself:
Is Instagram making me crazy, or am I actually supposed to have a perfectly curated cup 
of coffee on my artfully rumpled throw blanket every morning?
Doubts about my faith are normal, right?
Is eating cookie dough straight from the fridge fine as long as it’s organic?
Could it be that loving my family well is my spiritual gift?
It’s a common theme: Am I okay? Is my life significant? And how do we measure significance, anyway? Melanie’s hilarious and poignant insight offers you the deep breath of relief that God is working in all the moments, no matter how big or how small. In 100 devotions, Everyday Holy: Finding a Big God in the Little Moments invites you to see your life as God intended: rich with opportunity, significance, and beauty, even on days that feel overwhelmingly ordinary.
If you’re looking for the line that connects the dots, Everyday Holy is for you. If you wonder where God is in this mess or how exactly He’s working behind the scenes, this book is for you. Whether you feel overwhelmed or disillusioned or frustrated by how your life feels, there’s room for you at this table. And here’s the best news: We’re all in this together.
My thoughts:
I have been a follower of Melanie Shankle's blog for many years and have read her other books.  I was happy to have the opportunity to review this one. 

Each devotional is about a page and a half in length and includes a topic verse.  I found so many of these devotionals to be very applicable to my own life.  She uses real life experiences that I'm sure many readers will find applicable and relevant. 

This book will be a nice way to start or end your day.... or even for a bit of encouragement in the middle!  You will be blessed!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers <> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 <> : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Have a day of blessings! 

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Thankful Thursday


Another Thursday. We have had a busy week with football practices and school clothes shopping.

This week I am thankful for...
~ my husband helping me do tasks that are not either one of our "favorite" thing to do.  :)

~ celebrating our 14 year old boy on Sunday!  We had a fun day.  He picked Olive Garden for lunch after church.  We had cupcakes also.

~ seeing the excitement on my little guy's face when he saw I had a snow cone.  His eyes lit up and he said "for me?" and he put his hands on his chest.  It was so cute.

~ my Dad coming on Caleb's birthday.  He went to church and lunch with us before coming to our house for a while.

~ the beautiful rain we had this week.  We played in the rain several times on Monday.  It was a nice gentle rain. Titus loved jumping in the puddles!

~ completing my 150 continuing education hours to renew my teacher certification.  I submitted my application for renewal today.  I don't have plans to go back to teaching right now, but I like to stay current on my certification!

Thanks for stopping by. What are you thankful for today?

Have a day of blessings! 

Sunday, August 12, 2018

To my 14 year old...

Today we celebrate our 14 year old!  Happy birthday Caleb!  

I made a list of 14 things I appreciate about you. There are many more, I'm thankful for you and am blessed to be your Mom! 

1. I appreciate your willingness to help me...if it's unloading groceries or doing something like cook supper when I don't feel well, you are a big help to me in so many ways.  

2. I appreciate that you are a hard worker. I've had different people tell me that they've seen you work hard. This is important all through life. 

3.  I appreciate that you have so much knowledge about so many areas. You always surprise me with the random facts you know.

4.  I appreciate the relationship you have with your Dad.  I remember when you started following him around everywhere and wanted to do everything he did. I like to listen to the two of you talk in the van when you're both up front. I pray that you two will always be close. 

5.  I appreciate your laugh and how you can make me laugh. There are so many ways you do this! Thank you! 

6. I appreciate your sense of adventure.  Remember the time on vacation we went on the rapids.  Or when you and Dad when zip lining?  You love the outdoors.  

7.  I appreciate that you are an amazing big brother. It touches my heart to see you two together and to hear y'all laughing and playing.  You have such a special bond, and I pray you always will. 

8.  I appreciate the friends you have chosen. As you get older it's always important to be wise in your friendships.  You have some good ones and I'm so thankful.  

9.  I appreciate your love of God and your heart to follow Him.  Seek after Him in all you do.  

10.  I appreciate the way younger kids look up to you. I've been told numerous times how good you are with kids.  Those little eyes are watching you and are following what you do.  

11.  I appreciate your hugs.  They are the best and I need those!  

12.  I appreciate your confidence and how you can speak in front of a crowd so effectively.  You amazed me with your speech for UIL modern oratory this year and your best man speech at Uncle Cody's wedding.  Many people are terrified of public speaking, you seem to be a natural at it.  

13.  I appreciate that we share some of the same interests.  I love that you have always loved reading like me! 

14. I appreciate you being you!  God made you special and unique. Always be you and don't try to be like everyone else. 

I'm proud of you. 

Have a day of blessings!

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Thankful Thursday

We had a great time at the end of last week as we went camping in our new to us RV.  It was our first time to get to use it and we all had a wonderful time!  It was so relaxing.  We had a good spot near the water.  The boys rented a kayak to use one day.  Caleb went fishing some too while we were there.  We are glad to have the RV and look forward to using it again!

On Saturday we invited the family over to celebrate Caleb's birthday.  He didn't really want a "party" or theme this year.  We had lunch and cake for him.  He will be 14 on Sunday! 

This week I am thankful for...
~ the ways my husband makes me laugh and smile. 

~ our 13 year old boy and the ways he has blessed our life and family as a teenager this past year.  Also, he started high school "two a days" this week! 

~ our little guy's excitement over doing "lessons" with Mommy!  We started the letter W.

~ seeing family as they came to celebrate our boy with us.

~ finishing up another set of 150 continuing ed hours.  The boys stayed a while with my Mom so I could complete some "homework" from a class I attended to finish up the hours. 

~ watermelon!  We had some at church gathering this week and also bought one on sale at the grocery store.  My Mom has some in her garden I'm excited to try a bite of when they are ready.

Have a day of blessings!

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Book: More Than Meets The Eye

One of my favorite authors of historical fiction, Karen Witemeyer, has a new book in a new series.  It is More Than Meets the Eye in the Patchwork Family series.  Let me tell you about it today! 

About the book:
Many consider Evangeline Hamilton cursed. Orphaned at a young age and possessing a pair of mismatched eyes--one bright blue, the other dark brown--Eva has fought to find her way in a world that constantly rejects her. Yet the support of even one person can help overcome the world's judgments, and Eva has two--Seth and Zach, two former orphans she now counts as brothers. 

Seeking justice against the man who stole his birthright and destroyed his family, Logan Fowler arrives in 1880s Pecan Gap, Texas, to confront Zach Hamilton, the hardened criminal responsible for his father's death. Only instead of finding a solitary ruthless gambler, he discovers a man not much older than himself with an unusual family. When Zach's sister, Evangeline, insists on dousing Logan with sunshine every time their paths cross, Logan finds his quest completely derailed. Who is truly responsible for his lost legacy, and will restoring the past satisfy if it means forfeiting a future with Evangeline?

My thoughts:
I have enjoyed the other books by Karen Witemeyer and was excited to start a new series.  Wow I loved this one!  I had read such good reviews of this one before I read it, and it did not disappoint.  Each time I read one of her books I think it may be her best one yet! 

I liked the background of this story and how Eva came to be with her brothers Seth and Zach.  Their bond is very special which I appreciated seeing throughout this story. Another thing I thought was a fun touch to the story is that Eva has a pet pig. 

One thing I would mention is that suicide is referenced in this book.  Logan's father took his own life years prior, and Logan shares about this and how it affects him and his mother.  I thought this might be important to know that it may be a trigger for someone who is dealing with a suicide in their own life. 

If you enjoy historical fiction be sure to check this one out!  I look forward to the next book in this series.  Visit the author's website here.

I received a copy of this book from the Bethany House reviewers program for my honest review.  Thank you. 

Have a day of blessings! 


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Thankful Thursday

It's been good to be home and not have a schedule or places to be for the last couple of weeks!  

This week I am thankful for...

~ my husband working on things around the house that need done to take care of us....checking on my van's tires, trying to get rid of ants that are coming in the house.  

~ my big boy sharing his heart with me and his Dad.  

~ my little guy always having a song in his heart. I love hearing him sing!  

~ the cooler temperatures we had this week in the 80s/90s instead of the triple digits.  Also another blessing was the beautiful rain we received.  

~  grocery pick up.  I tried it at United for the first time this week, and it was great. I'll definitely use it again when they have a lot of sale items and I have a big order.  I've been using Walmart's service for a while now, it's so helpful. 

~ books to read. I finished a couple this week that I've been working on for a while. 

Have a day of blessings!

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Our Family Vacation....Part 3!

As I checked my emails Tuesday night I had one from Tuesday morning that said it was the confirmation for our White House tour at 9 a.m. on Wednesday morning.  I was not expecting that!  We had applied for a White House tour in April and the information said we'd hear back 2-3 weeks prior to our trip if we were approved for it. (That's how I understood it!)  We started looking at the information about visiting the White House and there was a lot of rules and regulations.  I asked if my husband and Caleb wanted to go, and Titus and I could just stay at the hotel.  (I wasn't sure how we would do it without his stroller or any bags and such because there isn't a place to store that stuff and you can't take it inside with you.)  They both wanted to see it and this worked out great!  Titus and I slept in and that was just what I needed.  We had a late breakfast, and then the boys came back.  They had a great time at the White House and enjoyed their tour! 

After they got back we went to do our tour at Arlington Cemetery.  I'm so glad we got to go back.  It was very beautiful and moving. 

We watched the changing of the guard ceremony again and saw the gravesites of President Kennedy and family.

We went for a late lunch at the USDA Headquarters building.  It is a huge building! 

Then we went to the Air and Space Museum.  There was lots of fun things to see in here.

Thursday morning we had tickets for a Washington by Water monuments river cruise.  We took our first Uber ride to go there to Alexandria to get on the boat.  It took us to Georgetown and we had lunch there before riding back. 

We stopped for (expensive) ice cream on the way back. 

That night we had supper and got some souvenirs. 

We headed to the airport with the hotel shuttle.  It was supposed to leave at 11:55, but there was a delay. It was a maintenance issue they were fixing.  Then they had to get a new crew. I don't know what time it was when we finally left but it was near 6 when we got back to Texas.

We walked outside and knew we were back in Texas with the suffocating heat!  It was 109 when we got back I think.

We stopped for delicious supper at El Fenix (with the sweetest waitress) before driving home.  It was nearly midnight when we got home. 

We had a travel agent who helped us plan this trip.  She did a fabulous job and I would recommend her if you need help planning any trip.  Please send me a message if you would like her contact information. 

Our hotel in DC was the Hampton Inn and Suites.  It was very nice and not too far from a metro station.  The only negative was that the swimming pool was under renovation so we didn't get to use that and I know the boys would have enjoyed that in the evenings.

We used the Metro a lot when we were there.  My husband figured it out pretty quickly as he had been there before. 

We are glad to be home and really enjoyed all we got to see and do on our vacation.  It was a special trip we've dreamed about for a long time and fun to get to actually do it!

Have a day of blessings! 