Thursday, May 19, 2016

Thankful Thursday

It's time again for Thankful Thursday.

We've had a good week.  We've made some funny memories together at home.....nothing special in particular going on just being together and laughing and having fun. I appreciate our time around the table each night talking and sharing about our days.  

This week I am thankful for...

~ my husband taking off work to attend the events of our son.  And he took off a little early one day too this week so I could go to a meeting.  I appreciate his help.

~ my big boy receiving awards at the end of year ceremony this week.  He received perfect attendance, A/B Honor Roll, and top boy in Pre-AP reading.  They announced the Top 10% too with their averages which was 11 students, and I believe the 11th one had an average that was 95.  I was curious what his was so I contacted the counselor in the afternoon to find out his rank.  Based on his grades and the extra points given on the final average for Pre-AP classes (and he is in three of those) I thought his would be at least a 95 if not higher.  They checked and found out they had made an error and left him off! There had been a tie so they had to hand calculate some, not exactly sure the entire story.  They apologized for the mistake and gave him his certificate.  He was 9th and had a 96.45. I was glad I asked and found out.  We are proud of his hard work this year.

~ our baby is looking more like a little boy now than a baby boy!  He always makes us laugh.  The new thing this week seems to be climbing.  He climbed on top of a box of diapers last night.  He climbs on top of his brother's trumpet case and thinks it is so funny to walk off of it.  He turned over the laundry basket today and climbed on top of it and walked off, scaring his Mommy!  He did it over and over like it was the funniest thing!

~ going to garage sales in our city.  I found some baby clothe for a quarter so that was fun!

~ our new grocery store opening.  I was very excited about this and am thankful to have a grocery store I like here.  We have had one but now it was reopened as a new store.  It will be easier on me to go here sometimes than into the next town.  Very convenient!  I watch the ad, and while some products cost more, I can find good buys here too most every week.

~ being able to be part of the district's site based committee this year.  Since I am not volunteering now I like being able to be involved still in this small way.  We had our last meeting this week.

What is on your thankful list today?  Leave me a comment and share!

Have a day of blessings!


Karen said...

Congratulations to your son on his academic success. That is wonderful. The little one brings you a lot of smiles. That is such a sweet age. I am thankful that my son is planning to come for a visit. I wish they all lived nearer!

Lori said...

Hi there, Bethany. I'm so glad you found my link-up. From the sound of your week, you have many things to be thankful for. I'm glad curiosity got the better of you on the finding out the rank for your son. Thank you for linking up with Thankful Thursdays, I hope to see you again next week.