As we celebrate our 13th anniversary, I have been thinking of memories we've made together.
...our first walk, our first date and the roses you sent me on my birthday.
... the comments made by our grandparents when we were introduced.
... our wedding day. Driving by campus last Saturday and seeing a couple in their wedding attire smiling for their pictures made me think of our own special day . What a beautiful, perfect day it was.
...the many times God has provided...our first apartment, my first year teaching job (in a town where schools were closing and teaching jobs weren't in abundance), you getting your first job, my doctor who helped safely deliver our son, our home selling in 10 days, having a temporary home while we waited on our home.
I think of what a blessing you've been in my life for these past 13+ years.
....the joy it brings me daily to see your constant dedication as a father. You didn't miss a doctor's appointment with me during my pregnancy. You continue to show such dedication and love by attending our son's programs, caring about his interests, and doing things with him daily.
... the way you support me and have always supported me. You've always shown me your support of my dream to be a stay at home Mom, and you continually remind me of the importance of what I'm doing and how much you believe in me and value me.
... the ways I've seen you grow and always continuing to learn. You are a good example to me in that and have taught me so much, more than I could ever begin to write. you always know just what I need. I'm amazed at how well you read me every single time. Every. Single. Time. That's truly such a blessing.
Our marriage and friendship is a treasure to me. These are some things I treasure....
.... From the time we took our first walk, we've both been able to totally be ourselves with each other.
... The way you are committed to me and our marriage and family. I do not take your commitment to me or my commitment to you lightly.
... All our times together...our happy times, laughing times, sad times, crying times, silly times, quiet times. I love our time together
... The way you know what I'm thinking. Just last week as I looked into your eyes when you came home from work, you said aloud sentence for sentence, word for word what I was thinking. You do that all the time and I treasure that about you.
I'm thankful for our 13 years of marriage. I love you. I respect you. I cherish you. I value our friendship and relationship. I'm honored to be your wife.
Happy Anniversary to my best friend. I love you!
"A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." Ecclesiastes 4:12
Have a day of blessings!