Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thankful Thursday

I enjoy participating in Thankful Thursdays each week.  Join us this month at Women Taking a Stand.  Here is my list of what I am thankful for this week:
~ my husband who is so loving and wonderful.  I always feel like I love him more every day!  I told him this week that the way he treats me and loves me has been an example to me of God's love, and I appreciate that so much. 

~ holding my sweet boy.  This week he was super tired, and I held him a while before bed.  It felt so nice to hold my big boy in my arms! 

~ a sweet Mother's Day weekend.  I got to see my Mom and Meemaw on Saturday.  We had a nice visit and lunch.  My Mom brought some magic cookie bars and a fruit pizza.  I wish I'd taken a picture, it was so pretty!  It had strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and kiwi in the middle.   Then on Sunday my boys woke me with waffles for breakfast complete with a flower Caleb had made in art class on the table.  After breakfast he gave me the gifts he had made.  He had worked so hard on them and was so excited to give them to me.  He's so sweet!  His cards were so thoughtful and he made a necklace for me at school.  It is made out of a domino.    (I have tried multiple times to upload pictures of the flower and necklace and it is not working!)
~ 14 months and 21,000+ miles later, our new car is paid off.  :)

~ all the things that happened in my day Tuesday that made me smile...finding books my boy likes at the library (and seeing his excitement about reading them when he got home from school), thinking about how my boy will be with me on trips to town again very soon, yummy lunch at Chick Fil A with my cute husband, a phone call from the girl who was the flower girl in our wedding, seeing our garden growing.

Have a day of blessings!


Kathleen said...

I love fruit pizza... Yummy! And one of these years I am going to have to visit a Chic-f-lay or whoever you spell it. We don't have those hear but bloggers mention it all the time. You have some awesome thanks! Have a gorgeous day!

Dimple said...

Many thanks for dropping by and commenting, I love when my posts fit in with others' lives as this one did with yours. I also love reading the things you are thankful for, especially your husband and son!

Karen said...

Sounds like a pretty nice week! I am thankful for the gorgeous weather here!

Carla said...

What sweet simple HUGE blessings:) God bless you in your journey!

LAURIE said...

Bethany, I always enjoy your TT posts. What a wonderful blessing that you were able to pay your car off!! That is a financial blessing! ((blessings))