Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Interrupting this travel log for Thankful Thursday!  See the previous posts to read about our vacation to Colorado!

This week back at home has gone so quickly. We all helped to get things put up and start on the laundry Saturday when we got home.  Sunday was church.  After the evening services we stayed for an "ice cream supper."  On Monday I attended a continuing education class and really learned a lot.  Tuesday morning I woke up from a dream and as I was awake it didn't feel like the A/C was cooling but kept running.  My husband turned it off and we called for a repairman to come look at it.  Caleb and I went to the grocery store and some other errands so we weren't home long.  It had gotten up to 85 by about 10 a.m. when we left.  It was 90 inside when we got home.  The service man came and fixed it soon after.  I'm so glad we did not have to go a long period of time without it; however, it did make me stop and think about those who are suffering in this heat with no air conditioning.  I wonder what could be done to help these people.

Today I am thankful for...

~ my husband and the ways I've seen him grow and change in the past 10 years of marriage.  He was telling me about a conversation he had with one of his employees and I was so proud of him and how he handled the situation. 

~ my son and his fun imagination.  It always makes me smile to see the things he comes up with on his own to play.  It doesn't matter where he is it doesn't seem, he just makes up things to play, sometimes by himself or sometimes gets us to join in with him.

~ new books in the mail to review!

~ coupon savings at the grocery store.  Since we were gone last week I restocked on some things and had some coupons to use, plus the store offered some as well to save us some money on items we use regularly.

~ all the ways God has been with our family in the past year.  July 26, 2010 is the day we signed the papers to sale our previous house.  It's hard to believe it's already been a year.  We had so many unknowns then and God has shown us His faithfulness. 

Have a day of blessings!


Heather Hart said...

I'm thankful to live in Colorado!! It is so beautiful here! :)

I love your list of things you are thankful for.

Allison said...

It's the simple things that REALLY seem to get me into a thankful spirit. From saving money to observing the work God is doing in someone else's life - He is SO good to us isn't He?!

Unknown said...


Amen. So many ways God proves faithful. Happy TT. Hugs, Lynn

Anonymous said...

Having spent a lot of time in Colorado and at USAFA, your Colorado posts brought back many memories. So glad you got your A/C fixed!!

Tami said...

Truly we have so much to be thankful for. Bless you.