Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 5

We couldn't decide what to do today.  We had a couple of choices related to the Royal Gorge and neither of the places had that grand of reviews on TripAdvisor.

We decided on the Royal Gorge Bridge and Park.  We had gotten a coupon for $5.50 off per ticket from the office at the campground.  We arrived as the park was opening and first walked across the bridge.  They had flags from all the states.  We had to stop for a picture beside the Texas flag. 

This sign made us laugh.
On the other side of the bridge was a campsite area that looked like a little village.  Then there was a small petting zoo and other animals in cages to view.  We went up to a tall lookout point which was a really spectacular view.  I was surprised how far away the bridge looked and how long it was too.  And I was thinking we have to walk down this hill AND all the way over there?!  Caleb spotted a trolley pulling up at the base of the lookout area.  He ran down the steps and literally raced over to it with his Daddy following behind.  I followed along, not quite so fast (haha!) down the steps/hill and got to the trolley.  It was very nice to be able to ride back to the other side instead of walking! 
So glad to see this trolley!

This is where we waited in line to get on the car that took us down the side of the gorge.

We rode a "car thing" down into the gorge.  Then we had an ice cream, looked in the gift shop, rode the cable car across the gorge, and then did a mini train and carousel. 
See the red cable car?  We rode it across the Royal Gorge.  It was 1,000+ feet in the air.

Looking down from inside the cable car
We went back to our cabin after this for leftovers for lunch.  I did not want to waste the food we had and we had plenty for us all to eat.  Then we rode pedal cars around the camp site and went swimming.

In the evening we went back to look at the river and walked around.  It was a beautiful evening out.

My two favorite boys!
It was such a fun day!  We don't really want our vacation to be over but tomorrow we start the trek back to Texas.  We've all enjoyed our time here. 

I have had so many thoughts to blog about but haven't been on the computer and wanted to not be while we were here.  I may share these thoughts in the coming days here on my blog. 

Have a day of blessings!


Karen said...

Sounds like an exciting day. You were brave to ride the cable car. Caleb looks so tall in the picture! Hope you are having a wonderful time together.

susansspace said...

So glad you're out having a fun trip & making memories. I'll bet Caleb will remember this trip. That gorge looks pretty scary to me. I have to give you credit for the cable car ride. You'd never get me in one of those things! Ha!
Have a blessed weekend!