Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 4

(You can read the previous posts to read about other days of our trip.)

Today we drove over to Colorado Springs.  It was about an hour drive from where we were staying.  We went on a long winding road that was undergoing road construction.  We were first in line behind a police car.  The officer kept stopping at some of the cones that had fallen over and putting them upright. 

We went to Garden of the Gods first.  I told Caleb where we were going, and he said he didn't like the name of that place because it sounded like they were making fun of God. 

It was such a pretty day and we enjoyed seeing the park.  Caleb heard the lady tell me when we picked up a map to watch out for rattlesnakes on the trails so he didn't want to get on the trails.  We walked a short ways on one to try to find a picnic spot but the tables were all in the sun.  We drove a little further and came to the Balanced Rock.  We had our lunch here, it was a great spot with a nice breeze.  I climbed up part of it and the boys climbed around some more after we ate. 
Balanced Rock
Next we went to the US Air Force Academy.  We saw this advertised in a brochure and Caleb was very interested in it so we decided to go check it out.  We went on a walking tour and looked in the chapel and then went to the gift shop. 

Then we went to visit the Welcome Center of Focus on the Family.  I always hear them talk about it on their radio programs so I thought it'd be fun to stop by.  It was a neat place to look around.  They had a bookstore also and a kid area.  Caleb wanted to do the big 3 story slide but when we got down to it they had closed it due to a storm in the area. 

On our way back we stopped at a farmer's market type thing.  Caleb got a balloon "monkey in a tree" and I bought a zipper purse.  I have never seen such and thought it was so cute and fun.  I told the lady I'd want to buy some for Christmas gifts.  I got the water bottle size but she had others that were bigger and smaller.  The whole purse is made of a zipper. 

When we got back to the cabin I couldn't find my iPod touch.  We searched for it and finally my husband found it hiding under my seat in the car.  I'd already looked there but hadn't seen it. 

We went over to the jumping pillow.  We saw a small rainbow as we watched Caleb and I jumped with him too. 

Today we saw license plates from a bunch of states.  Even Alaska!!  Our map is getting full! 

Have a day of blessings!


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Bethany, What gorgeous scenery. The balanced rock looks like a perfect place for a picnic. Wishing you a very nice day.

Donalacasa said...

Thanks for the photos! I grew up there. The Garden of the Gods is where I went Girl Scout camping for the first time. I met Friend Hubby when he was stationed at the Air Force Academy. Very beautiful area.
