Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. It's Mickey Mouse's birthday (November 18)...happy birthday Mickey! He reads here, right? Have you ever been to Disney, any of the parks at all? Are you a Disney superfan or something less than that? They're open right now so tell us, would you go if you had the time/money/a free trip?
We have never been to any Disney park!  I've enjoyed looking at pictures others share.  I really have no desire to go right now.  It doesn't appeal to me really....the expense, the lines, all the people.  That may not be a popular answer, just how I feel about it.  

I do like Mickey Mouse! Just don't feel the need/desire to go to a Disney park!

2. Your favorite place to go when you want to be quiet as a church mouse? Would those who know you well describe you as more churchmouse or perhaps more like mighty mouse? 

I like the quiet of the deer lease.  It is so peaceful when everyone is out in their stands and no one is around.  

Churchmouse.....A friend came to a football game this season and she said she thought that was the loudest she had ever heard me.  

3. The day before Mickey's birthday happens to be National Homemade Bread Day. Did/will you celebrate? Do you bake your own bread? Last time you had hot out-of-the-oven homemade bread? What's your favorite kind of bread? 
I do not bake my own bread.  I do love the smell of baking bread! 

 I like to buy the frozen rolls and cook those with meals.  They are great in my opinion.

My husband made banana bread with old bananas Sunday afternoon.  It was perfect right out of the oven!  
We like to make banana bread and zucchini bread often.  

4. What's something you might say is 'the greatest thing since sliced bread'? 
A favorite for me is grocery pick up!  I'm thankful for whoever thought of it.  I still like to go into our small local store sometimes but it is sure convenient to do a pick up order every week or however often I need it.  

5. Let's keep the gratitude theme we started last week rolling on through November. Share with us five little things you're grateful for today. Small blessings. One catch-they all must start with the letter T. Gotta keep us thinking, right? 
a.  my "little T" (That's what I call Titus sometimes!)
b.  tomatoes
c.  tacos
d.  tulips
e.  teachers

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I signed up to do an online study from the book One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.  It started this week and there is time to join too.  It's free.  Here is the link.  I read this book years ago and look forward to these videos.

Have a day of blessings!


Debby@Just Breathe said...

I hope you visit a Disney park someday. It is expensive but I think it is worth it. Disneyland is closed here. Has been since March which is very sad. Disney is very mad about our governor doing that to them. Rhodes makes great rolls. I've used them to make a garlic bread, you stack them in a Bundt pan and let them rise and bake! Great answer on Grocery pick up. We do that or have things delivered. Love your 5 T's!

Joyce said...

I love Ann Voskamps Advent book. So good! I am doing the She Reads Truth Advent reading plan this year. We get frozen Sister Schubert rolls here, but honestly fresh hot bread is a weakness for me, so best not to buy them : )

ellen b. said...

Oh yes, tulips, I forgot that T. Disneyland has really gotten expensive for sure. Then there are the crowds, etc. Hope the rest of your week is good!

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Well, me and mine have been to Disney multiple times but I think it is sooo overrated! Have a great rest of the week!