Thursday, June 4, 2020

Thankful Thursday

So much has happened in our country in this past week.  I am saddened by the hatred and discord I see everywhere.  In my eyes this is a heart problem. Change won't happen until hearts change.

Even in the midst of the sadness and unrest we need to make time to be thankful.  Find the blessings in your week.

This week I am thankful for...

~ celebrating 19 years of marriage with my husband!  We took our camper to have little getaway to a nearby lake.  It was a place we'd never been.  We had a wonderful time.  It was a beautiful spot too.

~ my big boy sending me texts and pictures while we were gone.

~ my little guy showing me how to hold one of Gramma's new kittens.  It was so cute how he explained it and talked about the kittens.  He likes them!

~ being able to deliver Meals on Wheels.  We have had an increase in the number on our route.  Today it was hot getting in and out of the car.  I thought to myself it is a blessing to be able to do this and give a little time to these seniors who are not able to get out much and are even more isolated now during coronavirus restrictions.

~ enjoying a yummy watermelon and cantaloupe!  I love all the fresh produce this time of year.

~ books to read and audiobooks to listen to.

Have a day of blessings!


1 comment:

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Happy Anniversary! That was nice of Caleb and how precious with Titus holding the kitten. Yes the fresh produce is awesome. Enjoy your weekend.