Thursday, July 4, 2019

Thankful Thursday

Here is my thankful list for this week....

~ my husband making me smile and feel loved when I was tired, hot, and sweaty while walking around Sea World. 

~ fun rides at the water park with my big boy.  

~ catching my little guy as he came down the water slide in the kids’ area.  He would climb the steps, walk around to the slide, give me a thumbs up and come down.  

~ safe travel and fun time on our vacation and being home.  I have discovered it is hard to figure out a time for vacation when we have a busy teenager! We knew we wanted to go to Sea World and were gonna go later in the month but the hotel was a lot cheaper this week.  We plan to go take our camper out for a long weekend sometime too.  

~ our air conditioner working.  A couple times on Saturday I thought I heard water running. I checked the bathroom and the sink was off. Then I’d forget about it and then later heard it again. As I was going to bed I heard it again and we thought to check the a/c.  It was dripping!  We turned it off, it didn’t get too hot in the night thankfully. 

~ This week we went to Sea World. The first day as we were having our bags checked, all of a sudden it got quiet and everyone turned around. I realized the National Anthem was playing as I saw men remove their hats and heard some people softly sing. Everyone around us as well as those walking to the gates stopped. It was such a beautiful moment.  I couldn’t sing as I was choked up.  I thought it was such a beautiful moment.  As we celebrate our country today I am thankful to live here in America.  

Have a day of blessings! 

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