Saturday, December 31, 2011


I see so many blog posts in my list on my Reader tonight looking back at 2011.  I've been thinking about what was on my goal list I made at the beginning of this year and had to go back and take a look.  In the past I've revisited my goal list periodically through the year here on my blog but didn't do that this year for whatever reason. 

So looking back at my goals, I see there wasn't that much on the list and most of it has been accomplished.  I don't know that we are totally unpacked.  There are still random boxes in the garage that need to find a new place.  It is such random stuff and I'm not sure what to do with it so it's stayed in the tubs against the wall.  As far as the SHE system, I started the cards but never got that complete.  I've pretty much kept up with the basic ideas of it in my head.  I don't have a set day that I clean the tubs but I do it regularly.  I had forgotten the goal of finding new places to volunteer.  It has been such a blessing to me to be able to volunteer at Caleb's school and have two areas where I am needed there. 

This has been a blessed year for our family.  We have faced many changes with our move and my husband's new job position.  I feel we have learned a lot and enjoyed the changes that have happened.  I am thankful for the new friends we have made here.  I am thankful for the memories we made as a family, like our fun trip to Colorado.  I am thankful for Caleb's school and the teachers he has had.  I am thankful we have been healthy.  I am thankful for the many answers to prayers we have seen this year both in our family and in the lives of friends/relatives.

As Caleb said tonight before bed Gooooooodbye 2011! 

Have a day of blessings!

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