Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thankful Thursday: Anniversary Edition

Today is an extra special day.  My heart is so full of all the blessings for which we have to be thankful.

First it is our boy's last day of first grade.  I wrote him a letter in the previous post with my feelings about this year.

And today, June 2, 2011 is the our 10 year wedding anniversary.  My husband is such a huge blessing to me.  The past ten years have gone by so quickly.  When we got married, ten years seemed so far away.  Now it is here and it has just flown!

I've been reminiscing our dating days, our engagement, and our wedding day.  I'm so thankful for those memories and the photos and videos we have from that time.  I like to think back to how we were then, the things we went through together, and how those things have shaped us and made us stronger. 

I am so thankful to have my husband by my side as we've gone through these past ten years.  He is truly my best friend.  We have grown so close through the years and our relationship seems to just keep getting better.  There are so many things I love about my husband.  He is such a great Daddy.  He accepts me.  He makes me laugh.  He knows when I need to talk and he knows how to make me talk and share my true feelings.  He works so hard to provide for our family and so that I can be a stay at home Mom.  He loves the Lord.  He does thing for me without me asking.  He prays for me.  He holds me when I need to be held.  He cleans my car for me.  So many things....big things and small things.  I just love him! 

The past ten years have been just so amazing!  I look forward to what is in store for the future. 
Thank you for stopping by for Thankful Thursday!  Have a day of blessings!


Karen said...

Congratulations, Bethany! God has blessed your family and through you, has blessed many others!

Debbie Petras said...

Bethany, how exciting! Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary with your hubby. I love to hear how you speak (write) so lovingly of your husband. Too often I hear women put down their husbands instead of respecting them. I love that about you.

And Caleb ...graduating from first grade; wow! He's growing up fast; enjoy these precious moments.

Love you,

Sandy said...

Thank you for sharing this very encouraging post! Have a great day!

tammi said...

Well, congratulations and happy anniversary! And happy summer holidays, too! So many things to be thankful for, indeed!!

Stefanie Brown said...

Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! Thank you for sharing. Have a blessed weekend!

Loren said...

Awww Happy Anniversary! Isn't it wonderful having a man who LOVES the Lord and his family like Jesus !!!

Here is to many many more!!

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Oh, Bethany, what a sweet entry. Goodness, we're just 30 years ahead of you. How funny! Keep on keeping on and you, too, will be celebrating 40 years one day. Have a joy filled celebration!

eph2810 said...

Happy belated anniversary!!!!

It truly is amazing how we grow in a long-term marriage. There are ups and downs, but our marriage does grow. So neat that your hubby does all these things for you.

Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us this week.

Love & peace,

Debbie Petras said...

Bethany, I mentioned you in my post today on Heart Choices. It was about encouragers and you are one of the best.

blessings and love,