Thursday, June 2, 2011

At the end of first grade


It is hard to believe we have come to the end of 1st grade already.  So much has changed for our family since August 2010 when you began your second year of school.

We knew early in 2010 of a possible job change for Daddy.  In my head I knew how I hoped things would happen....that we would find out if he got the new job at the beginning of summer and we could move and start you in 1st grade in a new school.  I couldn't imagine the thought of moving and you switching schools during the school year!  But things didn't happen at how I wanted! We were surprised to receive an offer on our house after only 10 days on the market.  We ended up living in a duplex beginning in the middle of July and you started school at the end of August.  Because of a hold up we ended up moving to another temporary home at the end of November in a new city and then to the house we bought in December. 

You had a lot of big changes.  It is funny to think we had four different addresses in such a short time and how I was worried how this would effect you.  You started at your new school after the Thanksgiving break (which was not at all how I had planned it in my head).  But you have done wonderfully well!  You are still the confident boy you've always been! We've seen you grow and progress in new ways in your new school. 

You were blessed with an amazing teacher who has been so loving and encouraging.  She has been such a good match for you.   

I just love to hear you read.  You are such a good reader and I always hope you love to read! That has been so exciting for me this year!  You have continued to have excellent behavior and haven't had to "cut any strips" this year either.  Also, I almost forgot've had perfect attendance since we've moved.  You missed three days at your previous school but have made the perfect attendance for this semester.  (Even with strep throat two times!)

I am so looking forward to summer, especially having you with me when I go do errands and also reading Charlotte's Web together.   

Even though pretty much nothing this year went as I thought it would go, I know that it has worked out beautifully and God's plan is always best.  We are so proud of you and thankful for the wonderful boy you are!  Your Mommy and Daddy love you!

Have a day of blessings!


susansspace said...

Such a sweet letter to your boy! Congrats to Caleb for completing first grade.
Hope you enjoy a wonderful summer together!

Gramma said...

I am SO proud of my boy!