Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Loose Teeth

Our son has a loose tooth. Having this new loose tooth that gets looser by the day is a new experience for him. And it worries him. He shared his worries with me after school. He is worried it will hurt when it comes out, worried about the blood (he can’t stand the sight of by blood), and worried it will just fall out randomly or even that all his teeth will fall out. I tried to reassure him and offer him some comfort about this part of life by sharing my own teeth experiences with him and praying for him to have peace about it.

Continue reading "Loose Teeth" today over at Laced With Grace.

Have a day of blessings!


Runnergirl Creations said...

Awww....I'll pray for him to have peace about it & for the tooth to come out quck & easy!

Denise said...
