Monday, October 4, 2010

Marriage Monday: "A Cord of Three Strands..."

1st Monday Every Month at Chrysalis
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A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12

This verse was printed inside our wedding invitations. When I see this verse now I am reminded of our wedding day as well as the commitment we made to each other and to God.

Thinking about our marriage as a rope, we are each individual strands coming to the marriage to become one. When we add God to that rope, it makes the rope (or marriage) stronger. The rope isn't going to break or come apart if God is tied up with the other two strands. This doesn't mean there won't be problems or disagreements. It just means that God is going to be there to help hold us together through those times. To me it makes our commitment stronger knowing it isn't just the two of us but that He is with us in our marriage.

I'm glad this verse was part of our invitation. From the beginning we have wanted God to be at the center of our marriage. This is a good verse to illustrate that and remind us of that.

Have a day of blessings!


Heather said...

I love that verse! Thank you for sharing!

April@The 21st Century Housewife said...

What a wonderful verse to have on your wedding invitations! We recently attended a wedding where the minister preached round that verse and it was lovely. Keeping God at the centre really is the key to a successful marriage!

Lisa notes... said...

I love that verse, too. It brings me such comfort to know that not only is it never just me, nor just me and my husband, but me, my husband, and the Lord!

Susannah said...

Awesome! I'm glad you had this verse printed on your wedding invitation. Held close, it can steer a marriage away from a myriad of rocky shoals.

Thanks for joining us for Marriage Monday today, Bethany.

Blessings, e-Mom ღ

eph2810 said...

I think that the verse from Ecclesiastes is perfect for marriage. You are right, there will be disagreements, but with God they can be solved.

Thank you so much for sharing from your heart.

Love & peace,
<>< Iris

Tami said...

We had the same verse on our wedding programs. God has been the only consistently loving participant in our union. He definitely holds us together.