Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What are you doing for Him?

Has anyone ever done something for you that you have remembered it your entire life?

Recently my Mom told me she had added a new friend to her Facebook list, Rodney, a guy she'd known since elementary school. He emailed her and told her he remembered her and their time in school together. He also shared a memory he had of her.

To find out about Rodney's memory, please go over to Laced With Grace today to read the rest of this devotional called "What are you doing for Him?"

Have a day of blessings!


Debbie Petras said...

I loved your post on Laced with Grace today. BTW, I have an award for you on Heart Choices today.

Debra Kaye said...

Oh Bethany.....great job! I loved your post!

Blessings to you and your Mom!!

susansspace said...

Loved your post today over at Laced with Grace! It's so true that we seldom realize what an inpact our words or actions can have on another person & how they can have a lasting effect.
I know it must've pleased your mom to hear from Rodney & know that a simple act had impressed him so!
God bless!