Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Thankful Thursday: Nature

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(taken by my Mom of her flower bed)

Lynn at Spiritually Unequal Marriage has chosen the wonderful topic of nature for today's Thankful Thursday.

One of my favorite songs that came to mind regarding nature is "Hallalujahs" by Kathy Troccoli from her Sounds of Heaven cd. Here are the lyrics. You can go here to Rhapsody (and I hope you will) to listen to this beautiful song or here through CMT. Or here is a karaoke version by Chris Rice.

This week as I was reading through parts of a Bible I'm reviewing for Thomas Nelson, I came across a writing about astronaut John Glenn when he was a member of the Space Shuttle Discovery Crew in 1998. I'd like to share that today. He said, "To look out at this kind of creation out here and not believe in God is to me impossible, ... It just strengthens my faith. I wish there were words to describe what it's like."

I am so thankful for the beautiful creation we are surrounded with on a daily basis. I think too many times we forget to stop and notice and appreciate little things in life like tiny flowers, green grass, chirping birds, amazing sunsets, and budding trees. Spring in Texas is the perfect time to pay attention to the beauty that surrounds us.
~ I'm thankful for my husband teaching me to notice specifics about creation. I remember one time we saw a beautiful sunset, and he asked me what colors I saw. I named a couple, and he kept asking me...what else? I never before had really noticed every little color that's part of a sunset, but every time I see a sunset now I think about this and take time to notice all the colors.
~ I'm thankful for my son finding the tiny things of creation to show me. He always points out little ants, butterflies, and lady bugs that I otherwise would have missed.
~ I'm thankful for eyes to see the creation and my ears to hear the things God created (like birds!).
~I'm thankful for all the verses in the Bible that speak of our Creator. (When I'm reading and come across one of these I mark it in the margin.)

I look forward to reading your thoughts of thanksgiving about nature! Have a blessed day!~~~~~~~
"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." Psalm 19:1


i said...

What pretty flowers! Nature is such a precious gift.

Pia said...

what a beautiful thankful list you've got. God bless you more, bp.

Denise said...

Such a lovely thankful post.

Amanda said...

I agree with you...nature is a wonderfully discovery everyday!!! I love this time of year when we can be outside and feeling the warmth of the sun and the cool (often hot) breezes and when the leaves fall gracefully from the trees and dance before us in the air.

Such joy!

God bless-

Rita T. said...

Great post. Thanks for sharing!

Runnergirl Creations said...

I agree! Such a beautiful picture of your mom's garden!

sister sheri said...

I so whole heartedly agree! Hanging out with God in my garden is some of my favorite time!