Monday, May 4, 2009

Marriage Monday: Seasons of Marriage

Today for Marriage Monday Christine at Fruit in Season is the hostess and the theme is Seasons of Marriage.

Next month my husband and I will have our 8th wedding anniversary. Though that is not as long as many have been married, we've still gone through various seasons together. I must say many times I still feel like we've just been married a short time and feel like a newlywed. I still have that "in love" feeling with my husband. He just keeps getting better (and I pray I am getting better for him too!). But at the same time I can see growth and change. We aren't the same as we were 8 years ago when we said our vows. We wouldn't be who we are today though if we hadn't gone through the various seasons we've faced together. We've had some great times together and what I consider some really hard times too along the way. We faced uncertainty about jobs after we both graduated from college. When I graduated there was talk actually of closing elementary schools. Not really the best news for a first year teacher! Yet God provided me with a job right in town near our apartment while my husband finished his degree. After he graduated we again weren't sure where we were going to live or where we'd find jobs. Again we could see God's hand in this. He used these times to help us trust Him and learn more about one another. One of the darkest, hardest seasons has to be the time surrounding our miscarriage of our first child. After the extreme joy and elation to find out we were pregnant, neither of us were ever expecting to lose our baby so quickly. My husband was an amazing support to me in this dark season of my life. While we've faced some sadness and heartaches, we've also experienced amazing blessings and joy together in our marriage. The first that comes to mind is our wonderful son! Another is the blessing that I can be at home and my husband is willing and able to provide for us. Looking back we can see the pieces fitting together even though the seasons weren't always fun to go through at the time. God had a plan for each event.

When spring comes everyone seems happy and alive again after enduring months of winter. We wouldn't appreciate the sunshine and the new flowers of springtime if they were always there. God had a purpose in giving us seasons. The same is true in marriage. We would never grow if we didn't go through some hard times together. We wouldn't be able to appreciate the blessings of today if we didn't have some difficulties yesterday. While it's not fun or easy to go through the more difficult seasons of marriage, God does have a purpose.
"There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven:a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace." Ecclesiastes 3:1-8


Denise said...

So beautiful my friend.

tonya said...

Loosing a child is very painful. I am so sorry you lost your baby.Normally, each parent grieves so differently. Learning to maneuver in during that time is hard. Your testimony of love and support give hope to many.

Many Blessings...

Christine said...

"God had a purpose in giving us seasons". That is true in all areas of life I think. It's wonderful that you have such a strong marriage- that lays a great foundation for when winter comes again.

Thanks for linking up today!

Kristi said...

Oh, I love this post! Congratulations to you both. Your incredible love for the Lord and your sweetheart shines in every word. Blessings to you!

Faith said...

Well said! I loved this. THanks for sharing your heart. and Happy Anniversary a bit early :)

Tami said...

We would never grow if we didn't go through some hard times together.Indeed. Congratulations.

Constance said...

So many people bail out when times get hard, when the key is to cling more tightly together and with God! Unfortunately, that tends to be when people become MORE selfish and thus, the wedge is put into place and slowly hammered in deeply!

Amanda said...

This is an amazing testimony Bethany. Truly wonderful.

You are a blessing!

Momma said...

I remember when you (we) experienced the miscarriage. The hurt inside was extreme and it was compounded seeing my two children hurting so deeply and being helpless to "fix it".

One of my most fond memories of that time was the evening following the miscarriage, I was there at home with you both. I suggested that we get something to eat. You asked JMP if he was hungry and he hugged you and said, "If you need me to be hungry, I'm hungry". Just an example of how deeply he wants to take care of you.

sister sheri said...

I love when women brag on their man! You're right... we know what we have... and how good it really is... but what we have gone through.

You are one blessed lady! And I am joyful for you! Knowing what that blessing feels like for myself.