Friday, January 2, 2009

As long as it is called Today: Christian women/men (January)

Welcome! Please read more about "As long as it is called Today" in this post. I hope you will join me each week on Friday as we encourage each other in our daily lives as Christians, spouses, parents, and home keepers.

Today's question: Who is your favorite female Bible character and why?

My answer: Hannah. I am always touched to read of her heart's desire for a son and her continued steadfastness in prayer. I love the way God answered her prayer. She shows me that God cares about the cries of our hearts and He listens when we pray.

Please leave your answer in the comments and be sure to come back next week to read every one's response.

Have a great day!


Denise said...

My favorite female Bible character is Mary, sister of Martha and Lazarus. Why? Because all she wanted was to fellowship, and sit at Jesus feet, and learn from Him.

Debra Kaye said...


I love your new blog look! My favorite female in the Bible was Deborah. (It has nothing to do with my name)

I love that she was used to hand out proper judgement and she was wise and when the time came she was stirred to battle. She gave her people good counsel. And she showed herself to have great compassion about what God wanted and needed her to do and she simply did it.

She had immeasurable strength and yet she did not flaunt it.

Blessings to you today, Bethany. Happy Friday!

Kristi said...

I can't pick just one! Hannah is one of my favorites too. I prayed her prayer after a miscarriage and God blessed us with our Hannah. I love Esther's courage and I am looking forward to Beth Moore's new study. I love Mary's faith, trust, and obedience to God too. There are many more, but I will stop here.

Sarah said...

MY favorite is Esther. I love her faith in the midst of great trials and persecution. I would like to think that I would be willing to risk my life for God.

Musings of A Minister said...

Well, as I rolled past the comments I see that Sarah's favorite is also my favorite. But more than that--I love what she gave as a reason for favoring Esther and since I can't improve on it and I feel the same, I will just say, "Amen." Great idea that you have for how to blog on Fridays. Keep writing and asking questions. (Thanks for dropping by my blog and for your kind words. You encourage me.)

4 Lettre Words said...

Hannah is my fave, as well. (I named my first son Samuel!) Her willingness to do absolutely anything to have a child is amazing.

I also like Mary and Martha.

Marsha said...

I would have to say Abigail. She was a woman of great understanding and wisdom. She was one of David's 8 wives. She had the greatest influence for good on David and helped him to remember that he was God's anointed and entrusted by God to keep the nation of Israel in safe keeping. He was blessed by her advice prior to their marriage (1 Sam. 25:32,33), and when her husband died, he was quick to remember this humble and self-abased woman and took her as his wife. She was just what he needed. He was willful and tempetuous... she was humble and gentle. She probably helped him to learn patience and to put aside temptation. She inspired confidence in him.

These are all traits that I would love to have in my life.

Katrina @ Pics, Pages & Purls said...

I woud have to say all of the above are really great women! But my favorite is Ruth. How she moved from her culture to another, won over her beloved (Boaz) and one of the women mentioned in the lineage of Jesus.

sister sheri said...

Abigail. Marsha said it best!

Kathy said...

I had to think about this a while before answering. Like you, I've always favored Hannah because of her deep desire for a son, and then completely turning that precious child over to the Lord. However, I have never understood how she was able to leave Samuel there at the temple to live and not have him with her. I know she promised him to God, but I don't think I would have been that strong.

Michele Williams said...

I would say Deborah, which means ‘bee’ in Hebrew. It may also mean ‘spirited or fiery woman’.
She was a good listener and gave proper advice. She was also outspoken when it came to injustice. When God called her to do something, she did it without wavering. Deborah stands out from the other judges of Israel for her wisdom, courage and faith in God. She had authority rather than power, and people respected her for the qualities she had, rather than for her military might or physical strength.

I love so many female biblical characters in the bible, but I seem to be able to relate more with Deborah. She was a strong woman of faith, but not over bearing. I think that is why she was so well respected.