Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Thankful Thursday

It is the week before Thanksgiving! Caleb and I stopped off at HEB to check their price deal for buy a ham and get a free turkey. We ended up just buying the turkey. Caleb was thrilled to pick it out and even lifted it up for the cashier to scan it. He was rather proud of choosing that turkey! I enjoyed picking up a few things for our Thanksgiving meal, taking advantage of some sale prices!

This week I give thanks for...

* the way my husband can give an encouraging word or prayer for me when I need it most.

* watching my son's abilities improve over time. We've been coloring handprint turkeys this week. It is amazing to me watch him take his time and color carefully while I remember how his "best" used to be a few marks on the page.

* receiving clothes for Caleb from a friend at church. This friend asked me last week if we could use some of her grandson's clothes that they had cleared out, I said sure, and they brought them to us Sunday. I could not believe all the clothes in the sack! We had fun looking through them and found sizes for now as well as bigger sizes for when my boy goes to school I guess. It is a blessing to receive!

* free food from Chick-fil-a. I've noticed lately that there are many times Chick-fil-a has promotions and gives away free food. For example, our local Chick-fil-a gave a free chicken sandwich when you brought in your ticket stub from seeing Fireproof. I just think this is nice and says a lot about the company.

* fall pictures. I've been blessed lately to see the beauty of God's creation through some lovely pictures of fall on the web. I've noticed the changing colors of the leaves more this year it seems than I normally do.

* blessing of the "Kingdom Assignment."

I hope your day has been blessed and that you can find a way to be a blessing to someone else. Thank you for stopping by! If you want to join us for Thankful Thursday, visit Iris.
"Praise the LORD, O my soul. O LORD my God, you are very great; you are clothed with splendor and majesty." Psalm 104:1


Denise said...

Sweet blessings to your dear family.

Cheryl said...

I have thought the same things about the colors this year. I was thinking they are much prettier than before. I have taken many pictures this fall. Everything has just been beautiful. Happy TT~

Tammy said...

What a great list of is such a blessing to receive hand me downs and all the other little blessings in life.

Joanne@ Blessed... said...

Thank you for commenting over at Laced with Grace yesterday.

I love the name you have chosen for your son...Caleb. I have a David and a Samuel.

Your blog was a treat to peruse!

Blessings, Joanne

Joanne@ Blessed... said... more thing...I saw your favorite scripture there on your sidebar in your profile.

Go to my blog and scroll down a bit, you will find that scripture there surrounded by Fall pumpkins.

Make sure to copy and save it for your very own!

Crystal said...

Wonderful blessings! Happy TT!

Melanie said...

A wonderful list of blessings! God is so good, isn't He?!

Happy Thankful Thursday!

Debra Kaye said...


I can just see Caleb feeling so proud to be lifting up the turkey for the cashier! That is so great!

Blessings to you today, sweet sis!in

Charlotte said...

What a great Thankful Thursday post. I'm glad I won't have to pick out a turkey for Thanksgiving. My daughter is fixing Thanksgiving dinner. Christmas - it's my turn. We switch each year. Next year I'll do Thanksgiving and she will do Christmas. Makes it nice.
I think Chick-fil-a is a great place. I love that they close on Sundays. They have good sandwiches too.

Anonymous said...

We are all blessed, we just sometimes forget that.

Happy Thanksgiving and many more to you and your family.

HEATHER said...

Beautiful post thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend!!! Happy Thanksgiving to you & your family.
Love in Christ,
Heather A.

Runnergirl Creations said...

Good blessings from the Lord!

4 Lettre Words said...

What a great list! (And, I love some food from Chick-fil-A, free or not!! Yum!)