Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Shoebox reminder!

This is the collection week for shoe boxes if you are making one for Operation Christmas Child.

We had fun finding things to fill our boxes this year. This is such a wonderful project to do as a family because of the many lessons you can teach as you fill your box.

Just wanted to remind you to turn in your shoe box! You still have time to make one if you haven't yet too. :)

"In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" Acts 20:35


Natalie said...

This is something my husband and I look forward to each year. I had a lady in our church state that she spends the same amount for her personal stockings as she does her shoeboxes. I think that is a great action.

Tiffanie Lloyd said...

My boys had a good time making and filling their shoeboxes. I think Operation Christmas Child is a great ministry. ANd it's a great family activity and opportunity to teach our kids and give them a more global perspective.

BTW, love that gobble till you wobble phrase. I may post that on my blog. :)

Debra Kaye said...


Love the shoeboxes...have done it every year since my children were little.

I can never sit through one of the videos without crying ...

Thanks for your prayers for Jay!! Still no news on the pathology report.

((hugs)) to you

susansspace said...

Isn't it such fun to shop for items and fill the shoeboxes, & then pray for the child who will receive it! I only wish I could be a 'fly on the wall' and catch a glimpse of the child's face as they open their box! Their joy couldn't possibly be any greater than ours when we fill the boxes!

Runnergirl Creations said...

Glad that you guys can be part of this great ministry!