Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Some thoughts regarding Santa......

I'm not sure who reads my blog so I figure I may step on some toes with this post! This is just my opinion and that is what the blog is for, right? I'd be happy to hear your opinion, too.

Last night while eating I saw a young mother with two young children at a nearby table. I hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary as far as the older girl's behavior, but I wasn't paying close attention either. Then I see the mother on her cell phone and could hear her have a conversation with Santa, repeating to the daughter what he was telling her on the phone. "He said you have to be good or you're not getting your presents." And some more stuff I couldn't hear clearly.

This always bugs me. First of all, is she really talking to Santa? No. Second, is she really going to withhold the gifts from the child? Doubtful. I know it's all a big ploy to get kids to behave, but I don't buy it!

I know many people who have no problem with Santa. I even heard Dr. James Dobson say it is not really a lie and kids need fantasy. I totally agree that children need make believe and they need to use their little imaginations. But to go to the extremes parents go to make sure their kids believe (and keep on believing) is just ridiculous in my book.

I guess my whole problem with it is that I can't see it as anything but a lie. It sounds harsh to say. Lie is not a word we really like. So many people say they just do it in fun. The whole idea just doesn't make sense to me though. Tell your child he has to be good or no _______ (whatever special item is on their list). What about all those kids whose parents would love to buy it for them, but they just don't have the funds? How do those kids feel about Santa not meeting their every wish? Another thing is telling the kids the whole month of December (or anytime in the year) "Santa's watching." Is this giving him some sort of special omnipotent power? The whole idea of Santa flying house to house with reindeer and then coming down the chimney makes no sense either. I've seen so many "Dear Santa" letters, and it seems most of the kids are just greedy. When I read them in a newspaper this time of year I get the impression that "this is my list, meet my every wish." The whole idea of it being magical and you must "believe to receive" gets me. Another thing that is big for me is when a parent decides to tell a child "Never mind, Santa isn't real." How does the child take it? Most children will adjust and go on with life I'm sure. I have heard with my own ears a mother say that her child asked how he was supposed to know God is real because all these years he'd been told Santa was real and he'd never seen him or God. What are we teaching our kids by teaching them to believe in Santa? What is the point of having Santa bring the presents on Christmas Eve? Do we just keep on doing it because that is how it was when we were growing up? Do we just think we have to keep the tradition and our kids are going to be "mistreated" somehow if they don't get to have Santa in their lives?

I'm so thankful JMP and I agree about Santa. I have felt strongly about this for years so before I met him I always wondered if my special someone would agree with me on this topic. I think we have plenty of fun with Christmas. I don't think taking Santa out of Christmas lessens our fun or enjoyment of the season. I did not have Santa growing up and am thankful for that too.

You may think I'm crazy now after reading! I know of some others who agree with me so I know we're not alone in our thinking. I knew when the Christmas season started that at some point I'd have a blog like this.
"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:19


Sarah said...

One of the excuses my sister has for not believing in God right now is the Santa thing. If Santa is a lie, what other lies did my parents tell? I love "Miracle on 34th Street" but my kids do not think Santa is real. The gifts have all been out for a long time and we read Santa stories. But they know that while God is real, Santa isn't...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this!!! Of course I feel the same way and am proud of you for stating your opinion, even when it might not be popular! Momma

Tracy said...

I'm in your court as well. There are few of us to be sure, but we are around. Our gifts have been under the tree for a week, and guess what? There is still excitement in the air.

Santa has stolen Jesus' glory, but not in our home.