Monday, December 10, 2007


Have you felt overwhelmed lately? I have! Things seem magnified at night before bed too. Did you ever notice that? Last night I just had to cry with feeling overwhelmed at what will need to be done this week. My list was long and seemed to grow the more I thought about it. This week I have cookies to bake, presents to wrap, Christmas projects to finish with Caleb, cards to get in the mail, a pie to make for JMP's Christmas lunch, and a few other things for the holidays besides the regular weekly routine.

This morning though I woke up and made a choice to be joyful. When I wrote my list and looked at what needed to be done, it didn't even seem that bad! It seemed rather manageable. I had the attitude that I can do this.

It has been a productive day so far and a couple things are already marked off the list! I'm waiting for JMP to come home to fold the Christmas letters to put in the envelopes so we can get those in the mail.

I'm so glad my perspective changed. It's okay to cry! But I also know I have to choose joy and remember that this time will not last forever. I need to make fun memories now with Caleb so he'll always remember the Christmas season as a joyous time and not a time of Mommy being stressed all the time or crying over what needs to be done! This is a season of joy. I choose joy!
This was the verse I saw today in the newspaper. Thank You, God for leaving us your peace.
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27


Kathy said...

I can get overwhelming at this time of year. I'm glad you chose joy. I have chosen to be stress-free even if everything doesn't get done. I answered your question in the comment section of my "Storm" post.

Crystal said...

I find this time of year extremely overwhelming as well! So glad I am not alone. Thank you for stopping by my blog!

Sarah said...

I feel overwhelmed a lot too. This year I actually crossed things off my list that just were too overwhelming for me to do, like Christmas cards. Good job on choosing joy!