Saturday, December 8, 2007

Christmas fun!

Today has been a full day of Christmas fun for our family! This morning we got up and out of the house by about 8:30. Gramma was here with us too so that added to the fun!

We first went to a community market. One of the vendors works with JMP and I wanted to buy a few of his birdhouse gourds for Christmas gifts.

Our second stop was the library to make a gingerbread house. It was such a wonderful experience for all of us. It made me thankful for the library and the various programs they offer besides books! The room was set up with rows of tables and chairs. Each table had two gingerbread houses. In the middle of the room were tables set up with all kinds of yummy decorations. Each participant was asked to bring a contribution of a specific candy. We brought gummy bears. They had everything you could think of--peppermints, candy canes, marshmallows, red hots, M & M's, graham crackers (which make excellent windows), spice drops, Hershey Kisses, pretzels, Mike & Ike's, coconut, powdered sugar, gummy bears, Teddy Grahams and Goldfish (to sit on top of the roof) to name a few. We filled a plate with a variety of candy and got to work. When we finished, we walked around to look at the other designs. It surprised me to find several Mom's who were doing all the work and not letting their kids have a part! It wasn't that the kids didn't want to help; when they'd try to put something on they were told no! It was odd to me! Oh well! For the most part the families were all participating together. I saw one large family with 4 or 5 kids a wide range of ages, and they were all working together on their house. Here is a picture of our beautiful gingerbread house! This was before it was totally finished. You can see the marshmallow snowman at the front and the Twizzler door. The back side has a graham cracker window.

Next stop was the railroad museum which was having family day. Daddy and Caleb climbed aboard an engine and caboose and also rode on the hand cars. Daddy's arms were quite tired after that! We also all got to go for a ride on an old fire engine.

This evening we went to a Christmas parade. We are from a small town so it was a short thing. It was fun though. In the years we've lived here we've never been to it so it was good to be here and be able to go for a change.

JMP and Caleb planned to put our lights on the house. JMP put the clips on the roof while Caleb was napping this afternoon and started stringing the lights. When Caleb got up they went out to do the others and we have two strands of lights that are mostly out! Several times last year the wind was so strong it blew them off the house so we guess they broke then. It's weird that I don't remember them being broken because I probably would have looked for them on sale after Christmas last year.

Tomorrow we have a party/lunch after church with the kids' group so the fun will continue!
"Light shines on the godly, and joy on those whose hearts are right."Psalm 97:11, NLT

1 comment:

Kathy said...

That does sound like a fun day! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!